QtOpenCV provides some helper functions to converting cv::Mat from/to QImage.
QtOpenCV provides a QtOpenCV.pri file which can be used to integrate OpenCV2.2 or newer to qmake-based project.
Download and copy the
to your project's source tree. -
Then take advantage of the following API to converting data between Cv::Mat and QImage.
namespace QtOcv {
/* Convert QImage to/from cv::Mat
* - cv::Mat
* - Supported channels
* - 1 channel
* - 3 channels (B G R), (R G B)
* - 4 channels (B G R A), (R G B A), (A R G B)
* - Supported depth
* - CV_8U [0, 255]
* - CV_16U [0, 65535]
* - CV_32F [0, 1.0]
* - QImage
* - All of the formats of QImage are supported.
cv::Mat image2Mat(const QImage &img, int matType = CV_8UC(0), MatColorOrder order=MCO_BGR);
QImage mat2Image(const cv::Mat &mat, MatColorOrder order=MCO_BGR, QImage::Format formatHint = QImage::Format_Invalid);
- In addition, two other functions are provided which works more efficient when operating on
,CV_8UC3(R G B)
CV_8UC4(R G B A)
,CV_8UC4(B G R A)
orCV_8UC4(A R G B)
namespace QtOcv {
/* Convert QImage to/from cv::Mat without data copy
* - Supported QImage formats and cv::Mat types are:
* - QImage::Format_Indexed8 <==> CV_8UC1
* - QImage::Format_Alpha8 <==> CV_8UC1
* - QImage::Format_Grayscale8 <==> CV_8UC1
* - QImage::Format_RGB888 <==> CV_8UC3 (R G B)
* - QImage::Format_RGB32 <==> CV_8UC4 (A R G B or B G R A)
* - QImage::Format_ARGB32 <==> CV_8UC4 (A R G B or B G R A)
* - QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied <==> CV_8UC4 (A R G B or B G R A)
* - QImage::Format_RGBX8888 <==> CV_8UC4 (R G B A)
* - QImage::Format_RGBA8888 <==> CV_8UC4 (R G B A)
* - QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied <==> CV_8UC4 (R G B A)
* - For QImage::Format_RGB32 and QImage::Format_ARGB32, the
* color channel order of cv::Mat will be (B G R A) in little
* endian system or (A R G B) in big endian system.
* - User must make sure that the color channels order is the same as
* the color channels order required by QImage.
cv::Mat image2Mat_shared(const QImage &img, MatColorOrder *order=0);
QImage mat2Image_shared(const cv::Mat &mat, QImage::Format formatHint = QImage::Format_Invalid);
} //namespace QtOcv
Generally speaking, the non-shared API are easy to use, and not easy to get wrong. Nevertheless, users may find that the shared API will be useful in some cases.
For example, when you want to convert a cv::Mat object with the type CV_8UC3
(R G B) to an QImage object with the format
, or vice versa, the shared API can be used.
QImage image1 = mat2Image_shared(mat1);
cv::Mat mat2 = image2Mat_shared(image2);
This is especially useful when a temporarily object is needed, take QPixmap as an example,
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(mat2Image_shared(mat1));
Note, when a deep copy is needed, you can still use the shared API in following way
QImage image1 = mat2Image_shared(mat1).copy();
cv::Mat mat2 = image2Mat_shared(image2).clone();
but, in such cases, the non-shared API will be more appropriate
QImage image1 = mat2Image(mat1, MCO_RGB);
cv::Mat mat2 = image2Mat(image2, CV_8UC3, MCO_RGB);
The manual of OpenCV says that,
- cv::imwrite()
Only 8-bit (or 16-bit unsigned(CV_16U
) in case of PNG,JPEG
2000,and TIFF) single-channel or 3-channel(with 'BGR' channel order) images can be saved using this function.
It is possible to store PNG images with an alpha channel using this function. To do this, create 8-bit (or 16-bit) 4-chanel image BGRA, where the alpha channel goes last.
- cv::imread()
In the case of color images, the decoded images will have the channels stored in B G R order .
Note: If you don't care opencv_highgui
module, you can always use the same channels order as QImage, which will be slightly fast.
- In Little Endian System
QImage::Format_RGB32 ==> B G R 255
QImage::Format_ARGB32 ==> B G R A
QImage::Format_RGB888 ==> R G B
QImage::Format_RGBX8888 ==> R G B 255
QImage::Format_RGBA8888 ==> R G B A
- Ins Big Endian System
QImage::Format_RGB32 ==> 255 R G B
QImage::Format_ARGB32 ==> A R G B
QImage::Format_RGB888 ==> R G B
QImage::Format_RGBX8888 ==> R G B 255
QImage::Format_RGBA8888 ==> R G B A
- In OpenCV
cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGR2RGB)
cv::cvtColor(mat, mat, CV_BGRA2RGBA)
- In Qt
Swap r and b channel of QImage
QImage QImage::rgbSwapped();
If the depth of the image is 32, the following function can be used too.
void QImage::invertPixels(InvertMode mode = InvertRgb)
CV_8U [0, 255]
CV_16U [0, 255*256]
CV_32F [0.0, 1.0]
add_opencv_modules(modules [, version [, includepaths [, librarypaths]]])
If OpenCV has been installed in the standard location all we need is
include (yourpath/yourpath/youpath/QtOpenCV.pri)
add_opencv_modules(core imgproc highgui)
[ For windows user ] If header files have been put in %QTDIR%/include/opencv2/
and libraries have been copied to %QTDIR%/lib
, this can be thought standard too.
If OpenCV2 doesn't installed in the standard directory, header files paths and library paths should be provided. There are more than four ways to do so.
- set system environment variables
set OPENCV_INCPATH=D:/opencv/build/include
set OPENCV_LIBPATH=D:/opencv/build/x86/vc10/lib
- set qmake's persistent property
qmake -set OPENCV_VERSION 2.4.3
qmake -set OPENCV_INCPATH D:/opencv/build/include
qmake -set OPENCV_LIBPATH D:/opencv/build/x86/vc10/lib
- using the third and forth param of
add_opencv_modules(core imgproc highgui, 2.4.3, D:/opencv/build/include, D:/opencv/build/x86/vc10/lib)
[ Note that , more than one paths can be provided, so you can set paths for linux/windows at the same time if you like]
- set project variable before call
OPENCV_INCPATH += D:/opencv/build/include
OPENCV_INCPATH += /home/debao/opencv/include
OPENCV_LIBPATH = D:/opencv/build/x86/vc10/lib /home/debao/opencv/lib
add_opencv_modules(core imgproc highgui)
[ Windows only ]
As the library name schame of OpenCV under windows is libopencv_XXXX243.dll.a
or opencv_XXXX243{d}.lib
, so the version information must be provided under Windows. Default is 2.4.3
add_opencv_modules(core imgproc highgui, 2.4.3)
add_opencv_modules(core imgproc highgui)
or set environment variable or qmake's variable if you don't want to touch the project files.