This is a pretty small and lightweight abstraction from the built-in Bun webserver. Currently, it handles routing and websockets (what I need for my own purposes right now).
You can enable CORS headers by passing them into the globalHeaders
property of the createServer function.
If you'd like state that's available for any request objects, you can add it to the state
request: The original request object that was passed into the native Bun server.
params: Contains the following - query: an object containing the key/value pairs of the querystring. - body: either an object or string of the JSON request or an object containing a single property text
containing the plain text of the request body - path: an object containing the key/value pairs of the path variables eg. /foo/:bar
will return { bar: 'whatever bar was' }`
state: Anything you have set in the state object upon server creation. I believe this is currently mutable so be careful if you are assigning values here.
setStatus(status: number): Sets the HTTP status code to respond with
setHeader(k: string, v:string): Sets a header for the response
send(responseTextOrObject: string): Send the response to the client.
The res.send()
method will automatically send the response as JSON if you pass an object in.
will try to parse the input as an object if the request header content type is application/json.
import { createServer } from '..';
const app = createServer({
port: 3222,
globalHeaders: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
state: {
authenticate: () => {
db: () => {
webSocket: {
path: '/ws', // localhost:3222/ws from the client
onUpgrade: (req) => {
'you can upgrade here, whatever you return will be attached to'
return {
userId: '1234',
onConnected: (socket) => {
console.log('A socket was connected');
onMessage: (socket, message) => {
// 1234 set in the upgrade function. You can sessionize like this or just emit to select clients rather than everyone on the socket using this
console.log('a message was received', message);
// echo back:
onClose: (socket) => {
console.log('socket connection was closed');
debug: true,
app.get('/hello', (req, res) => {
const user = req.state.authenticate();
const db = req.state.db();
res.setHeader('custom', 'custom value');
return res.send({
message: 'Hello World',
app.get('/hello/:id', (req, res) => {
return res.send({
message: 'Hello World with param',
params: req.params,
app.get('/hello/:id/configure/:name', (req, res) => {
return res.send({
message: 'Hello World with param',
params: req.params,
app.get('/text', (req, res) => {
return res.send('text content');
app.onError((err) => {
console.log('error handler', err.message);
return new Response('error', { status: err.status || 500 });
const server = app.start();
console.log('server started',;