- for outputting the top 8 matches, please run:
- for running the tests, please run:
- for outputting the all matches in order, please run:
- for initializing the Express server to visualize results on browser, please run:
Table of Contents
- Respondent Matcher at a Glance
- Application Architecture & Technologies Used
- Backend Overview
- Code Highlights
- Conclusion & Next Steps
Respondent Matcher is Scoring Algorithm function that calculates a Respondent candidate's matching score based on the candidate's information and the custom data points.
Respondent Matcher is designed as a stand alone algorithm that will take in respondents' data in csv format and the project parameters for ideal matching, as arguments. Built in Node.js, with Javascript and tested with Mocha & Chai Assertion Library.
Mocha provided the simple to follow formatted test output.
Express added more testing options as an assertion library.
Express was the natural choice for a simple Node.js server.
Pug was perfect for creating a web visualization of the results.
//Async Mocha handle hook with chai-as-promised library
describe("checks filetype is .csv", () => {
it("should throw FyleTypeException when given wrong file format", async () => {
await expect(readRespondentsData(badFile)).to.be.rejectedWith(
// Test Invalid Coordinates Input throw error
describe("checks for valid coordinates input", () => {
it("should throw InvalidCoordinateException when latitude input is out of valid range", () => {
expect(() =>
distanceInKmBetweenEarthCoordinates(location3, location1)
it("should throw InvalidCoordinateException when longitude input is out of valid range", () => {
expect(() =>
distanceInKmBetweenEarthCoordinates(location4, location1)
//Custom errors
// Coordinate out of range error
function InvalidCoordinateException() {
this.message = " Coordinate is not in valid range.";
this.toString = function () {
return this.message;
// Before Each Mocha hook
describe("RespondentMatcher()", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
matcher = new RespondentMatcher(filePath, projectParams);
await matcher.parseData();
// Matching score algorithm
function matchScore(industryList, respondent) {
// Calculate percentage of matching industries
const industryMatchScore = (() =>
(100 * respondent.industriesMatch.number) / industryList)();
// Calculate percentage of distance considering max distance
const distanceMatchScore = (() =>
100 - respondent.closestAvailableCity.distance)();
// Calculate percentage of job match
const jobMatchScore = (() => (respondent.jobMatches.match ? 100 : 0))();
// Calculate final score
const score =
((industryMatchScore + distanceMatchScore + jobMatchScore) * 100) / 300;
return score;
- I assumed that the 3 scoring factors had the same weight when calculating the Matching Score
- I assumed that a Respondent candidate closest distance would be the closest distance to any of the available cities in the project params cities array
- Added a project breakdown readme file with an overall planning of the steps before starting
Next Steps: Next steps for Respondent Matcher include:
- developing a UI with form for data input and option selection
- connecting a database
I had a lot of fun completing this project. Thanks to all at Respondent! ✌🏽