This is a demostration project for implementing the OpenAI API with TypeScript in AWS lambda function. The lambda function and other assets would be deployed with AWS CDK.
This project requires Node v16 and higher. Using the following command to install the required Node packages, build and test the program in local environment.
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-openai-api-key
node lambda/namematching.js wenhua
You may delete the compiled files and clean up the target directory by
make clean
or delete every generated files and the Node pacakges by
make dist-clean
The Node packages would be regenerated automatically when building the program.
Using the following command to deploy the lambda function and the API Gateway to AWS cloud.
Edit the lib/name-matching-lambda-stack.ts file. Replace the your-actual-API-key
in this line
OPENAI_API_KEY: 'your-actual-API-key',
with the actual API key or with the Secrets Manager for Secure Storage. Then
make deploy
After a successful deploy, there should be an URL to access, like this
You may using curl to do the test:
curl -X GET ""
The lambda function and other resources can be easily deleted and cleaned by
make destroy
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compilenpm run test
perform the jest unit testsnpx cdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/regionnpx cdk diff
compare deployed stack with current statenpx cdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation template