HELLO ! I'm Xu Han(简体中文:韩叙)! 👋
I am a Ph.D. student at the UCLA Mobility Lab in UCLA. Before joining UCLA, I was a System Development Intern at GE-Healthcare and a Deep Learning Intern at SAIC General Motors Corporation.
🔭 Reseach Interests:
- Autonomous Driving (AV) topics related to Perception, Simulation, and Cooperative Driving Automation
- AV Simulation Platform topics related to Simulation platform design, Scenario based platform and AV performace testing
👯 I am open to:
- collaboration opportunities (research/Autonomous Vehicles/really anything)
- research/industrial internships
⚡ Fun fact:
- car enthusiastic
- sports enthusiastic
- love coffee & food
📫 Contact:
- Email (hanxu417@ucla.edu)
- Homepage