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haehn edited this page Feb 14, 2013 · 7 revisions

XTK supports a variety of scientific file formats out-of-the-box. We think that the best way to render your files is without any necessary conversions. Just drop'em on a webserver and they are ready to render.

Surface Models/Mesh Files

  • .STL - Standard Tessellation (ascii and binary) * pretty-fast *
  • .VTK - The Visualization Toolkit polydata (ascii only) * pretty-fast *
  • .FSM, .INFLATED, .SMOOTHWM, .SPHERE, .PIAL, .ORIG - Freesurfer meshes * ultra-fast *
  • .OBJ - Wavefront .obj format

DICOM/Volume Files

  • .NRRD - Single file DICOM (compressed/uncompressed auto-detection)
  • .NII - Single file DICOM in NIfTI1 format (uncompressed) * ultra-fast *
  • .NII.GZ - Single file DICOM in NIfTI1 format (compressed)
  • .MGH - Single file DICOM (uncompressed) * ultra-fast *
  • .MGZ - Single file DICOM (compressed)
  • .DICOM, .DCM - Multi file DICOM (uncompressed, raw) * ultra-fast *

Tractography Files

  • .TRK - The default TrackVis file format for fiber tracks.

Scalar Overlay Files

  • .CRV - Freesurfer Curvature measurements
  • .LABEL - Freesurfer Labels

Color Table/Look-Up Table Files

  • .TXT/.* - The file extension of color tables does not matter as long as they are in this format:
# comment
0 background 0 0 0 0
1 tissue 128 174 128 255
2 bone 241 214 145 255

2D Texture Files

  • .PNG
  • .JPG/.JPEG
  • ... everything your browser supports