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Saar is a bug bounty script combining the best tools for a smooth recon workflow


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Saar is a bug bounty script combining the best tools for a smooth recon workflow.


  1. Install Saar and its dependencies
    curl -fLSs -o /usr/local/bin/saar && saar update
  2. Configure dependencies:


For every new hunt:

  1. Make a new directory and move in
  2. Create a scope.txt file and add your targets (domain, IP, CIDR, ASN), one per line
  3. Run saar (you can skip steps with -skip flags)
    Tip: Sometimes a large number of garbage subdomains are found, and you want to filter them out manually so as not to waste time. In this case, split the workflow:
    1. Stop after subdomains have been found: saar -skip uncover -skip portscan -skip wordlists -skip http -skip vulns
    2. Remove garbage
    3. Carry on: saar -skip subs
  4. Once the scan is complete, see:
    • ports.txt for open ports
    • ports.gnnmap for additional port info from Nmap
    • http.txt (and the http directory) for successful HTTP requests (use command saar pphttp for a better view)
    • secrets.txt for secret keys found in HTTP responses
    • vulns.txt for common vulnerabilities found by scanners
  5. Find an interesting entry point and get to work


   _________ _____ ______
  / ___/ __ `/ __ `/ ___/
 (__  ) /_/ / /_/ / /
/____/\__,_/\__,_/_/  v1.0.0

Saar is a bug bounty script that discovers targets from a scope and performs all the usual scans.

    saar <command> [flags]

    pphttp    pretty print http.txt results
    update    update saar and its dependencies

    -s, -skip string    skip a step (flag can be used multiple times) (choices: subs, uncover, portscan, wordlists, http, vulns)