ZejfSeisServer is a command line program written in C used to collect, store and broadcast data from homemade seismometer. It communicates with microcontroller (Arduino) via USB and can be controlled using simple commands. Once the USB connection is enstablished, ZejfSeisServer synchronizes the Arduino sampling rate to exactly match the one selected.
ZejfSeisServer opens a TCP socket so that remote clients can connect to it and watch incoming data in real time as well as browsing historical data. This is achieved using the ZejfSeis Java application. Here is screenshot from the command line interface:
The easiest way to get ZejfSeisServer is to clone this repository locally.
git clone git@github.com:xspanger3770/ZejfSeisServer.git
Then inside the ZejfSeisServer
folder, create new folder called build
and build the project using CMake:
cd ZejfSeisServer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This should create an executable file called zejfseis_server_(version). You can move it anywhere you like. Run it using:
./zejfseis_server_(version) -s <serial port> -i <ip address> -p <port number> -r <sample rate>
serial port
is the name of serial port where the Arduino is connected
ip address
is the ip adress where a TCP socket will be created.
port number
is the TCP port
sample rate
is the sample rate in Hz. Recommended value is 40
The whole command might look like:
./zejfseis_server_1.5.0 -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -i -p 1234 -r 40
If everything went well, the program will create a new folder ZejfSeis_Server
where the data will be stored and you can now enjoy detecting earthquakes by connecting to the TCP socket with ZejfSeis.