Xsolla team created a script to simplify the integration of Pay Station into your website. Please note: for the proper work of widget please make sure that you pass the ‘access_token’. More information about getting ‘access_token’ parameter is available here.
- the most appropriate interface depending on the type of device
- tracking of events happening with Pay Station
- compliant with the AMD and CommonJS specification for defining modules
Script is located on our CDN and is available here: https://cdn.xsolla.net/payments-bucket-prod/embed/1.5.0/widget.min.js. Use this URL to integrate script on your website.
const options = {
access_token: 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
const s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.async = true;
s.src = "https://cdn.xsolla.net/payments-bucket-prod/embed/1.5.0/widget.min.js";
s.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
}, false);
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
<script src="https://cdn.xsolla.net/payments-bucket-prod/embed/1.5.0/widget.min.js"></script>
access_token: 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
If your project uses CommonJS module format, you can access the widget by require()
const XPayStationWidget = require('PATH_TO_WIDGET/embed');
access_token: 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
Also you can use widget with RequireJS loader
define(['PATH_TO_WIDGET/embed'], function (XPayStationWidget) {
access_token: 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890'
- access_token — Access token
- host - Host for performing requests. The default value is secure.xsolla.com
- sandbox — Set true to test the payment process, sandbox-secure.xsolla.com will be used instead of host
- lightbox — Options for modal dialog that contains frame of Pay Station
- width — Width of lightbox frame. If null, depends on Pay Station width. Default is null
- height — Height of lightbox frame. If null, depends on Pay Station height. Default is '100%'
- zIndex — Property controls the vertical stacking order, default is 1000
- overlayOpacity — Opacity of the overlay (from 0 to 1), default is '.6'
- overlayBackground — Background of the overlay, default is '#000000'
- modal - Lightbox frame cannot be closed, default false
- closeByClick — Toggle if clicking the overlay should close lightbox, default true
- closeByKeyboard — Toggle if pressing of ESC key should close lightbox, default true
- contentBackground — Background of the frame, default is '#ffffff'
- contentMargin — margin around frame, default '10px',
- spinner — Type of animated loading spinner, can be 'xsolla', 'round', 'none' or 'custom', default is the first one
- spinnerColor — Color of the spinner, not set by default
- spinnerUrl — URL of custom spinner, default is null
- spinnerRotationPeriod — Rotation period of custom spinner, default 0
- childWindow — Options for child window that contains Pay Station. Suitable for mobile version
- target — The target option specifies where to open the Pay Station window, can be '_blank', '_self', '_parent', default is '_blank'
- iframeOnly — Open Pay Station in iframe on all devices
- queryParams — Query params to be added to Pay Station url
You can refer to the widget object, using the following methods:
- init(options) — Parameter setting
- open — Opening of payment interface (Pay Station). Opens a modal window with an iframe that appears over the site content for desktop, and in the new window for mobile and tablet devices.
- on(events, handler) — Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the widget.
- events (string) — One or more space-separated event types, such as "open" or "close status".
- handler (function) — A function to execute when the event is triggered.
- off(events, [handler]) — Remove an event handler. Calling .off() with no arguments removes all handlers attached to the widget.
- events (string) — One or more space-separated event types.
- handler (function) — A handler function previously attached for the event(s).
- init — Event on widget initialization
- open — Event on opening of the widget
- load — Event after payment interface (Pay Station) was loaded
- close — Event after payment interface (Pay Station) was closed
- status — Event when the user was moved on the status page
- status-invoice — Event when the user was moved on the status page, but the payment is not yet completed
- status-delivering — Event when the user was moved on the status page, payment was completed, and we’re sending payment notification
- status-done — Event when the user was moved on the status page, and the payment was completed successfully
- status-troubled — Event when the user was moved on the status page, but the payment failed
- user-country — Event when Pay Station have determine user country
- fcp — Event when in Pay Station occures fcp
- error — Event when in Pay Station 4 occures payment flow errors
You can access list of event using XPayStationWidget.eventTypes object.
XPayStationWidget.on(XPayStationWidget.eventTypes.STATUS, function (event, data) {
console.log(data.paymentInfo); // {
// email: "main@example.com",
// invoice: 140381877,
// status: "invoice",
// userId: "user_1",
// virtualCurrencyAmount: 100
// }
To open Pay Station you can use .open() method or set "data-xpaystation-widget-open" attribute to HTML-element associated with the beginning of the payment, e.g. Payment button.
JavaScript call:
HTML example:
<button data-xpaystation-widget-open>Buy Credits</button>
Browsers are sensitive to anything that could affect user security. You should work carefully with user trusted events, such as click handling. If a payment method opens in a new browser tab, you must ensure there is a connection between this functionality and a trusted event. If the conditions for opening a new tab depend on asynchronous code, the event won’t be trusted, resulting in an error. Refactoring the callback code that opens a new tab in a synchronous style can resolve this problem.
You may encounter a similar problem when opening a new window after requesting a token for Pay Station. Below, you can see the pseudocode that DOES NOT work.
button.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const token = await getToken();
window.open(`https://www.pay-station-url-example.com?token=${token}`, "_blank");
It looks like everything is logically arranged: first, you get the data to open a new window, and then open it. However, you lose the connection between the trusted user event and opening a new window when you organize the code this way.
It would be more correct to take a different approach:
- Immediately open a new window in response to a user-trusted click.
- Save a reference to the new window.
- Place a loader in the new window while the main content is not loaded.
- Send a request to get a token for Pay Station.
- After receiving the token, form a link for Pay Station with this token, and pass it to the opened window.
button.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const newWindow = window.open("", "_blank");
newWindow.document.body.innerHTML = "<div>Loading...</div>";
const token = await getToken();
newWindow.location = `https://www.pay-station-url-example.com?token=${token}`;
Additional code that runs on a widget button click may also cause similar problems.