The Xsolla Login SDK for Go is designed to validate various types of JWTs used for authorizing requests via Xsolla Login. The SDK supports token validation with the following encryption algorithms:
- HS253 (HMAC): Utilizes a secret key specified during SDK configuration;
- RS256: Employs a public key to verify the token;
package main
import (
func main() {
config := login_sdk_go.Config{}
loginSdk, err := login_sdk_go.New(config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed inititalize SDK: %s", err)
_, err = loginSdk.Validate("<MY_TOKEN>")
if !err.Valid() {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
If validation with HS256 tokens is required, specify the secret as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
config := login_sdk_go.Config{
ShaSecretKey: "your-secret",
loginSdk, err := login_sdk_go.New(config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed inititalize SDK: %s", err)
_, err = loginSdk.Validate("<MY_TOKEN>")
if !err.Valid() {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err.Error())
Note: If a secret is specified, it will be exclusively used for validating HS256 tokens. If the secret is not provided, the Login HTTP API will be utilized for such tokens, allowing validation across different projects.
There are two methods to validate tokens with custom claims:
- Composing
into your custom claims;
package main
import (
type YourClaims struct {
MyField string `json:"my_field"`
func main() {
config := login_sdk_go.Config{}
loginSdk, err := login_sdk_go.New(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed inititalize SDK: %v", err)
var claims YourClaims
_, vErr := loginSdk.ValidateWithClaims("<MY_TOKEN>", &claims)
// _, vErr := loginSdk.ValidateWithClaimsAndContext(context.Background(), "<MY_TOKEN>", &claims)
if !vErr.Valid() {
log.Fatalf("Validation error: %v", vErr)
- Fully implementing the
interface, specifically theValid()
methods (the latter is required for working with the Login API);
package main
import (
type YourClaims struct {
ProjectID string `json:"xsolla_project_id"`
func (c YourClaims) Valid() error {
return nil
func (c YourClaims) GetProjectID() string {
return c.ProjectID
func main() {
config := login_sdk_go.Config{}
loginSdk, err := login_sdk_go.New(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed inititalize SDK: %v", err)
var claims YourClaims
_, vErr := loginSdk.ValidateWithClaims("<MY_TOKEN>", &claims)
// _, vErr := loginSdk.ValidateWithClaimsAndContext(context.Background(), "<MY_TOKEN>", &claims)
if !vErr.Valid() {
log.Fatalf("Validation error: %v", vErr)
ShaSecretKey - Symmetric key (if symmetric signing is used);
Cache - Interface for cache operations (optional);
ExtraHeaderName - Name for an additional header;
ExtraHeaderValue - Value for the additional header;
APITimeout - Timeout for API calls. Defaults to 5 seconds (optional).
NOTE: When using a custom cache implementation (e.g., via Redis), ensure that the TTL for storing keys does not exceed 10 minutes. If no custom cache is provided, an in-memory cache will be used. Additional Header: An additional header is used to bypass rate-limiting mechanisms on the Login API side. The header's name and value are provided individually by each team. If the header name is not specified, the header is not added.
package cache
import (
const (
keyTTL = 10 * time.Minute
type RedisCache struct {
client *redis.Client
s *login_sdk_go.ProjectKeysGetter
func NewRedisCache(client *redis.Client) *RedisCache {
return &RedisCache{
client: client,
func (r RedisCache) Get(projectId string) (interface{}, bool) {
if r.client == nil {
return "", false
result, err := r.client.Get(projectId).Bytes()
var res []model.ProjectPublicKey
err = json.Unmarshal(result, &res)
return res, err == nil
func (r RedisCache) Set(projectId string, value interface{}) {
b, _ := json.Marshal(value)
r.client.Set(projectId, b, 10*time.Minute)
For usage examples, see the /example
To build and run, you can use the following commands:
> make build
> make run
For ability testing application (replace Login API response with mockproxy) you can set https proxy address, for it use environment variable HTTPS_PROXY
A potential loading issue may occur:
go get -u "gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go"
go: downloading gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go v0.1.1
go get: gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go@v0.1.1: verifying module: gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go@v0.1.1: reading 410 Gone server response: not found: gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go@v0.1.1: unrecognized import path "gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go": https fetch: Get "https://gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go?go-get=1": dial tcp: lookup gitlab.loc on no such host
Cause: Loading code from a private repository.
Solution: Set the GOPRIVATE variable as follows:
go env -w GOPRIVATE=gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go
To verify, execute the following:
go get -u "gitlab.loc/sdk-login/login-sdk-go"