Is a Dart library for post-quantum encryption, providing a Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) based on the Kyber algorithm. Kyber is a post-quantum cryptographic scheme selected by NIST for standardization, designed to be secure against attacks from quantum computers.
- Generation of public and private key pairs using the Kyber KEM.
- Encapsulation of a shared secret using a public key.
- Decapsulation of the shared secret using a private key.
- The shared secret can then be used with a symmetric cipher (e.g., AES-GCM) to encrypt or decrypt arbitrary messages.
- Uses SHAKE128 and fully follows the official Kyber specifications.
Before using this library, ensure you have the following:
- Dart SDK: version 2.12.0 or higher.
- Flutter (optional, if using this library in a Flutter project).
- An editor such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ to facilitate development.
To install this library, add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml
Update your dependencies with:
dart pub get
- Here’s a basic example of how to use this library:
// example/general_example.dart
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, always_specify_types
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:xkyber_crypto/xkyber_crypto.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
print("=== XKyber_crypto Usage Example ===");
// 1. Key Pair Generation
// Generate a Kyber key pair.
KyberKeyPair keypair = KyberKeyPair.generate();
print("Public Key (${keypair.publicKey.length} bytes):");
print("Secret Key (${keypair.secretKey.length} bytes):");
// 2. Encapsulation
// Using the public key, encapsulate a shared secret.
KyberEncapsulationResult encapsulationResult = KyberKEM.encapsulate(keypair.publicKey);
Uint8List ciphertext = encapsulationResult.ciphertextKEM;
Uint8List sharedSecretEnc = encapsulationResult.sharedSecret;
print("\nCiphertext (${ciphertext.length} bytes):");
print("\nEncapsulated Shared Secret (${sharedSecretEnc.length} bytes):");
// 3. Decapsulation
// Using the secret key, decapsulate to recover the shared secret.
Uint8List sharedSecretDec = KyberKEM.decapsulate(ciphertext, keypair.secretKey);
print("\nDecapsulated Shared Secret (${sharedSecretDec.length} bytes):");
// 4. Verify that both shared secrets match.
if (sharedSecretEnc.toString() == sharedSecretDec.toString()) {
print("\nShared secrets match!");
} else {
print("\nShared secrets do NOT match!");
// 5. (Optional) Symmetric Encryption using the Shared Secret
// Here, we demonstrate how to generate a symmetric key, encrypt a message,
// and then decrypt it using the AES-GCM implementation provided in xkyber_symmetric.dart.
Uint8List symKey = await XKyberCrypto.generateSymmetricKey();
String plaintext = "This is a secret message.";
String encrypted = await XKyberCrypto.symmetricEncrypt(plaintext, symKey);
String decrypted = await XKyberCrypto.symmetricDecrypt(encrypted, symKey);
print("\nSymmetric Encryption Example:");
print("Plaintext: $plaintext");
print("Encrypted (Base64): $encrypted");
print("Decrypted: $decrypted");
- Here is how you can test the library:
// /example/main.dart == example file
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, always_specify_types
// test/general_test.dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:xkyber_crypto/xkyber_crypto.dart'; // Adjust the path as necessary
void main() {
group('Random Bytes', () {
test('randombytes returns the correct number of bytes', () {
final bytes = randombytes(16);
expect(bytes.length, equals(16));
group('SHAKE128', () {
test('Generates output of the requested length', () {
final seed = Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(10, (i) => i));
final out = shake128(seed, 64);
expect(out.length, equals(64));
group('Polynomial Operations', () {
test('Serialization/Deserialization of a polynomial', () {
final poly = Poly();
// Initialize polynomial coefficients with test values.
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_N; i++) {
poly.coeffs[i] = i % KYBER_Q;
final bytes = polytobytes(poly);
final poly2 = polyfrombytes(bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_N; i++) {
expect(poly2.coeffs[i] % KYBER_Q, equals(poly.coeffs[i] % KYBER_Q),
reason: 'Coefficient $i does not match');
test('Compression/Decompression of a polynomial', () {
final poly = Poly();
// Use a test polynomial; here we use (i * 7) mod KYBER_Q.
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_N; i++) {
poly.coeffs[i] = (i * 7) % KYBER_Q;
final compressed = polycompress(poly);
final decompressed = polydecompress(compressed);
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_N; i++) {
final diff = (poly.coeffs[i] - decompressed.coeffs[i]).abs();
// Increase the tolerance to 50 due to quantization error from 3-bit compression.
expect(diff, lessThan(209),
reason: 'Coefficient $i: difference $diff exceeds tolerance');
group('PolyVec Operations', () {
test('Serialization/Deserialization of PolyVec', () {
final polyVec = PolyVec();
// Set each polynomial in the vector with test values.
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_K; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < KYBER_N; j++) {
polyVec.vec[i].coeffs[j] = (i * 123 + j) % KYBER_Q;
final bytes = polyvectobytes(polyVec);
final polyVec2 = polyvecfrombytes(bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < KYBER_K; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < KYBER_N; j++) {
expect(polyVec2.vec[i].coeffs[j] % KYBER_Q,
equals(polyVec.vec[i].coeffs[j] % KYBER_Q),
reason: 'PolyVec[$i] coefficient $j does not match');
group('IND-CPA and KEM', () {
test('Keypair, encapsulation, and decapsulation', () {
// Generate keypair.
final keypair = KyberKeyPair.generate();
expect(keypair.publicKey.length, equals(KYBER_PUBLICKEYBYTES));
expect(keypair.secretKey.length, equals(KYBER_SECRETKEYBYTES));
// Encapsulate using the public key.
final encapsulationResult = KyberKEM.encapsulate(keypair.publicKey);
final ciphertext = encapsulationResult.ciphertextKEM;
final sharedSecretEnc = encapsulationResult.sharedSecret;
// Decapsulate using the secret key.
final sharedSecretDec = KyberKEM.decapsulate(ciphertext, keypair.secretKey);
// The shared secrets should match.
expect(sharedSecretDec, equals(sharedSecretEnc));
group('Symmetric Encryption (AES-GCM)', () {
test('Symmetric encryption and decryption', () async {
final key = await XKyberCrypto.generateSymmetricKey();
final plaintext = "Test message for symmetric encryption.";
final encrypted = await XKyberCrypto.symmetricEncrypt(plaintext, key);
final decrypted = await XKyberCrypto.symmetricDecrypt(encrypted, key);
expect(decrypted, equals(plaintext));
group('Constant Time Comparison', () {
test('constantTimeCompare works correctly', () {
final a = Uint8List.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
final b = Uint8List.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
final c = Uint8List.fromList([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]);
expect(constantTimeCompare(a, b), isTrue);
expect(constantTimeCompare(a, c), isFalse);
- Generating a Kyber key pair.
- Encapsulating a shared secret with cryptoKemEnc and pk.
- Decapsulating the shared secret with cryptoKemDec and sk.
- Using the shared secret (ss) for symmetric encryption.
- cryptoKemKeypair(Uint8List pk, Uint8List sk): Generates a Kyber key pair.
- cryptoKemEnc(Uint8List c, Uint8List ss, Uint8List pk): Encapsulates a shared secret ss using pk and produces ciphertext c.
- cryptoKemDec(Uint8List ss, Uint8List c, Uint8List sk): Decapsulates c using sk to recover ss.
- KyberKeyPair:
- generate(): Produces a Kyber key pair (publicKey, privateKey).
- publicKey, privateKey: Byte arrays representing the keys.
: Contains the main implementation of the library. -
kem.dart: Core Kyber KEM functions (cryptoKemEnc, cryptoKemDec, cryptoKemKeypair).
kyber_keypair.dart: Handles key generation and utilities.
poly.dart, polyvec.dart, ntt.dart, params.dart, etc.: Core Kyber implementation (NTT, polynomial operations, parameter definitions).
shake.dart: SHAKE128 implementation.
reduce.dart, fq.dart: Modular arithmetic and field operations.
: Example code for understanding the library usage. -
: Automated tests to verify library functionality.
The library uses the following dependencies:
crypto: ^3.0.6
: Provides common cryptographic functions.pointycastle: ^3.9.1
: Advanced library for cryptography in Dart.lints: ^5.0.0
: Establishes style rules and best practices for Dart code.
Ensure you have the latest versions to guarantee compatibility and performance.
- Key Generation and Shared Secret: Ensures correctness of generated keys and shared secrets.
- Encapsulation/Decapsulation: Validates that cryptoKemEnc and cryptoKemDec produce matching shared secrets.
- Math Operations: Checks NTT, modular arithmetic, and noise distribution.
Run with:
dart test
- The library is intended for research, testing, and educational use. For production environments, a thorough security audit is recommended.
- Performance may vary depending on device capabilities.
Contributions are welcome. To contribute:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feature/new-functionality
). - Make your changes and commit them (
git commit -m 'Add new functionality'
). - Push your branch (
git push origin feature/new-functionality
). - Open a Pull Request in this repository.
This project is inspired by the Kyber algorithm, selected by NIST as part of its post-quantum cryptography standards. More information about Kyber is available here.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.