Arch Linux PKGBUILD for WARAddonClient
git clone
cd ./waraddonclient-arch-pkgbuild
makepkg -si
WARAddonClient should appear in your Menus, Under the Games Category
Command line options for waraddonclient
usage: waraddonclient [-h] [-i <arg>] [-p] [-r <arg>] [-s <arg>] [-u] [-v]
-h,--help This output.
-i,--install <arg> Install/Update given addon.
-p,--verbose Print more messages to screen.
-r,--remove <arg> Remove given addon.
-s,--location <arg> Set the location of the WAR-Folder.
-u,--update-all Update all avaible Addons to the latest version.
-v,--version Get the version of the WARAddonClient.