This is the Digital Integration 1993 DOS Tornado flight simulator source code. Backend code only, written in 16-bit x86 ASM. However, the frontend code, written in C/C++ and which controls the menu screens, is not available.
Uploaded by Nitro ( Thursday 26th January 2017.
License: To kill and to thrill
Detailed description: Tornado is a combat flight simulator computer game by Digital Integration that accurately models the Panavia Tornado. It was released in 1993 for DOS. The ASM code was written by KJB et. al. in 1993. Originally developed by Digital Integration (1993, now defunct), taken over by Titus Interactive (1998, now defunct), then assets transferred to Interplay (2005). Interplay does not have the time, manpower or brainpower to enhance this classic flight simulator. So over to global crowd-sourcing and to you, intrepid coder. Actually no one codes flight simulator in 16 bit assembly language these days. If you are Indiana Jones or an indie developer with a passion for assembly language and simulation games, or if you are a college/university professor who loves to torture your students with a 16 bit assembly language project, look no further. The simulation compiled object code plus graphics weighs in at less than 10 megabytes. The Tornado simulation begs for a rewrite and enhancement. Any takers?