Pure Lua beginning of the implementation of a game-ish simulator. No good reason for it to exist.
First, it was developed as dual Lua / Luajit, later moved to only care for Lua5.3+.
It is to manage an ocean-covered planet where boats and submarines and balloons float, planes fly, sailboats sail, and orcas attack yachts.
It implements...
- vector math
- rigid body physics simulator
- aero/hydro-dynamic foil and hull simulator
- ocean and atmospheric physics
A lot of code is ransacked all over the place, but the idea was to make it clean.
Note for self: At some point, I thought about displaying it using three.js from an integrated lumen http server. Whatever code it was lives in fvis-three/ and start_lumen.lua
Now all the visualization is OpenGL through MoonGL:
$ sudo apt install libglew-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moongl
$ cd moongl
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ..
$ sudo apt install libglfw3
$ git clone https://github.com/stetre/moonglfw
$ cd moonglfw
$ make
$ sudo make install
These may ask for some more MoonGL libs to be installed.
Also, there is some code around to write data for gnuplot, especially for debugging purposes.
$ lua start.lua
In the start_lua file, you will find a reference to world/* files, which define scenarios. You can start from here to see what sort of stuff you can do. Also, there are simulation parameters.
jvisca@fing.edu.uy - Grupo MINA, Facultad de Ingeniería - Udelar, 2024