this repository was created for the trial use of apache kafka
- 2 python clients are used as an example (
) - Inside contains scripts for producing and consuming messages in kafka
- There is also an example of a service using confluent-kafka, and a notebook using it
- In addition to using kafka, the repository contains an example of kafka monitoring using grafana and prometheus
- I hope you find this repository useful and learn something new for yourself
- Custom Kafka handlers (produce, consume)
Clone repository
Set up a virtual environment and install dependicies:
python -m venv venv
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.3 kafka_example
poetry install
- You can view the available commands with:
make help
- Setup settings for docker
make setup
- Run kafka and kafka-ui in docker (by default is kafka-ui from redpanda, but you can uncomment another ui or run your own.)
make kafka
make kafka-ui
UI endpoint - http://localhost:8080/overview
- Setup environment variables
- Aiokafka producer and consumer run:
make aiokafka-produce
make aiokafka-consume
- Confluent-kafka producer and consumer run:
make confluent-kafka-produce
make confluent-kafka-consume
- Example of topic creation with confluent admin instance
make confluent-kafka-admin
Example of service for kafka administartion more info in documentation:
You can try use notebooks in
Clone repository grafana_example
Run grafana
make grafana
Copy example of dashboard for kafka -
Create new dashboard
Running a script to create data in the dashboard
make kafka-loop