A Django URL Shortener based on python short_url.
It uses a bit-shuffling approach is used to avoid generating consecutive, predictable URLs. However, the algorithm is deterministic and will guarantee that no collisions will occur.
- Full int18n support, available language english, italian
- CaPTCHA validation
- Rest-API with Basic and Token Authentication
git clone https://github.com/UniversitaDellaCalabria/urlShortener.git
cd urlShortener
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd tinyurl
# copy adn edit private/production paramenters
cp tinyurl/settingslocal.py.example tinyurl/settingslocal.py
./manage migrate
./manage createsuperuser admin
./manage compilescss
./manage collectstatic
Important parameters in settingslocal.py
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'uilbg9^$cs3427dhrppmgibuiof6yc-2_y#6sg^!mzmioo6=-l'
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
# do not use * in production, but the server hostname
FQDN = 'https://url.garrlab.it'
# See django documentation for a production ready RDBMS
DATABASES = {'...'}
# Change these in production use
# se this to 0 to disable URL deletion
# If True a landing page will be presented before redirecting to the original url
# change this to have a different webpath to admin backend
ADMIN_PATH = 'gestione'
It will listen on :8000
./manage.py runserver
If you need additional languages add them in the variable LANGUAGES
, in settingslocal.py
Then create the .po
files, edit them and compile. Follows an example with Espanish localization:
./manage.py makemessages -l es
./manage.py compilemessages -l es
OpenAPI v3 Schema
python manage.py generateschema --format openapi > schema.yml
Basic Authentication
curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -u username:thatpassword
Using Auth Tokens
# create a token linked to a user
./manage.py drf_create_token wert
# Use the token to get in
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token 27b74b0a4dde305eda972e821de4e5823989cf39' -H 'Accept: applicaion/json; indent=4'
# POST data
curl -X POST -d "original_url=http://goal.it" -H 'Authorization: Token 27b74b0a4dde305eda972e821de4e5823989cf39'
# returns
# {"original_url":"http://goal.it","shorten_url":"p9pdw","created":"2020-04-07T23:37:11.960616Z"}
# encode data url with cURL
export URL="https://smartcities-matera-clara.imaa.cnr.it/maplite/#/view/dashboard?mapID=300-50&x=16.620039939880375&y=40.65948038538384&zoom=14&baseMap=GOOGLE_SATELLITE"
curl -X POST --data-urlencode "original_url=$URL" https://url.garrlab.it/api/tinyurl/ -H 'Authorization: Token 27b74b0a4dde305eda972e821de4e5823989cf39'
Play with Tokens
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
token = Token.objects.create(user=...)
API TroubleShooting
- "Could not satisfy the request Accept header.": remove
'Accept: applicaion/json; indent=4'
from request or see Doc
A third-party website can use this link to let users have a easy shortcut to tinyurl
<button class="btn btn-primary"
Tinify this website url
To create a url shortener dynamic link copy this message in your html
Bookmark the following <a href="javascript:void(location.href='https://url.garrlab.it/?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href))">Tinify this URL</a>.
When you click the link in your favourites list, url.garrlab.it will provide a shortened link for the page you're on.
Edit the admin user/pass/mail in Dockerfile.
Database connection paramenters can be configured as standard ENVironment variables, see tinyurl/settingslocal.py.example
# please do not use standard distribution package
# apt install docker docker.io docker-compose
# use official docker repositories instead
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
cd urlshortener
# build the containers and run them
# sudo docker-compose up
# build without composer
docker image build --tag urlshortener:v1 .
# Run on localhost:8000
docker run -t -i -p 8000:8000 --name urlshortener urlshortener:v1
Giuseppe De Marco giuseppe.demarco@unical.it
- GarrLab Community
- Francesco Izzi (CNR IMAA)
- Elis Bertazzon (GARR)