PHP Haml parser for Phalcon framework
First, you need to show Phalcon your new renderer. I assume that you have already defined loader and factory:
$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
$di = new Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault();
Then put the following below:
//register new namespace:
//path to place where Mvc directory is
'Phalcon' => '../app/extends/'
//setup view rendere
$di->set('view', function() {
$view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();
//setup your view files directory
//register file extension for Haml parser
".html.haml" => 'Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Haml'
//set layout file name
return $view;
Now you are done and ready to use Haml with Phalcon.
PhalconHaml implements its own render hierarchy similar to default Phalcon hierarchy.
If you set main view by
It means that Phalcon is going to find layout.html.haml file directly in your view directory. PhalconHaml will render only this file. You always can set custom layout for controller or action just by call setMainView() on view object.
If you don't set main view in config file, PhalconHaml will search directly in your view directory for file with the controller's name, e.g. if you trigger IndexController parser will try to render index.html.haml file from your view directory.
PhalconHaml gives you flexibility. You can decide how to organize your views files. By default parser assigns two variables: $controller and $action. You can use it to include your action or controller view file. Use include token with this variables:
//include [controlerName]/[actionName][yourExtenstion] file
!! $controller/$action.html
File struct
- index -> controler name dir
-- index.html.haml -> main page content
- head.html.haml -> file with header content
- layout.html.haml -> main view file
- menu.html.haml -> menu file
!!! 5
!! head.html
!! menu.html
!! $controller/$action.html