Adjust the volume using the mouse wheel.
打开程序,后台监听快捷键 默认:shift+alt+V 按下后 鼠标滚轮会变成音量调节,再次按下取消。
Open the program, it will listen for the hotkey in the background. Default: shift+alt+V. After pressing it, the mouse wheel will become a volume control. Press it again to cancel.
定义快捷键(Define the hotkey)
ScrollVolume.exe -hotkey CONTROL+SHIFT+m
就能改变快捷键为(This will change the hotkey to) ctrl+shift+m
开关 鼠标放入任务栏 可滚轮调节音量功能(Toggle the feature to adjust the volume using the mouse wheel when the cursor is over the taskbar.)
默认不启用(Default disabled)
ScrollVolume.exe -taskbar on
ScrollVolume.exe -taskbar off
是否启用托盘图标(Enable system tray icon?)
默认启用(Default enabled)
ScrollVolume.exe -trayicon on
ScrollVolume.exe -trayicon off
把程序放入目录内 (Place the program in the directory)
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp