If you would like to get start using EVAtool, please following the any of the follwing document.
EVAtool (EV analysis tool) is a state-of-the-art tool for quantification and abundance of small ncRNA-seq dataset in EVs. In EVAtool, we collected seven ncRNA types (miRNA, snoRNA, piRNA, snRNA, rRNA, tRNA and Y RNA) references as default to evaluate the abundence of each small ncRNA in EVs.
With current newest dependences (mainly bowtie2, samtool, fastq-dump, bedtools and trimmomatic-0.39.jar) and high-performance algorithm RDAA (Reads Dynamic Assignment Algorithm), the tool is perfectly capable of processing small RNA-seq data from small EVs (sEVs) or large EVs (lEVs). It is also capable of processing other RNA-seq data (such as long ncRNA data) with minor modifications to the command-line call. Finally, EVAtool visualized the main results and supports the online report.
EVAtool has been implemented in Jupyter and HTML.
- Windows (>= 7), Mac OS X (>= 10.8) or Linux
- JDK 8
All other software dependencies are installed automatically when installing EVAtool. Some softwares versions are as follows:
- samtools = 1.12
- bowtie2 = 2.4.2
- fastq-dump = 2.10.9
- trimmomatic-0.39.jar
- bedtools = 2.30.0
mamba env create --name EVAtool_env -f EVAtool_env.yaml git clone https://github.com/xieguiyan/EVAtool.git cd EVAtool/ python setup.py install
Installation of EVAtool and all dependencies should take no more than one minutes.
The Python version of PHATE can be installed from GitHub by running the following from a terminal:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:xieguiyan/EVAtool.git
cd EVAtool/
python setup.py install --user
To begin, the human genome and seven types references needed to be download from http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/EVAtool/ref/refs.zip and unzip it into the working directory.
mkdir ~/evatool_work
cd ~/evatool_work
wget "http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/EVAtool/ref/refs.zip"
unzip refs.zip
If you have already prepared the data file (SRA, FASTQ or zipped FASTQ format) you can run EVAtool as follows (Here we use example.fastq.gz data as an example):
wget "http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/EVAtool/example/example.fastq.gz"
evatool \
-i example.fastq.gz
-o {directory for output or .}
EVAtool accepts the following data types: example.sra
, example.fastq
and example.fastq.gz
The docker image of evatool can be accessed by running the following from a terminal:
docker pull guobioinfolab/evatool
Then, prepare reference data and sequence data like the pip
mkdir ~/evatool_work
cd ~/evatool_work
wget "http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/EVAtool/ref/refs.zip"
unzip refs.zip
wget "http://bioinfo.life.hust.edu.cn/EVAtool/example/example.fastq.gz"
Take the example.fastq.gz as example:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/work_path -w /work_path guobioinfolab/evatool -i example.fastq.gz -o .
- Custom ncRNA type(s)
Based on existing reference sequences
- change the input parameter of ncRNA type list, the default ncRNAs are include 7 types: "miRNA" "rRNA" "tRNA" "piRNA" "snoRNA" "snRNA" "YRNA".
Add other type reference sequences
- Three steps :
- Add the ncRNA reference and index into refs;
mkdir [ncRNA name] add the reference and index to the directory
- Change the input parameter of ncRNA type list;
-n "miRNA" "rRNA" "tRNA"
- Add the ncRNA name and reference directory in config file as following the existing ways.
"miRNA_index": "/refs/miRNA/hsa.hairpin.fa"
├── bin
│ ├── bedtools
│ ├── bowtie2
│ ├── bowtie2-align-l
│ ├── bowtie2-align-l-debug
│ ├── bowtie2-align-s
│ ├── bowtie2-align-s-debug
│ ├── fastq-dump
│ ├── samtools
│ └── trimmomatic-0.39.jar
├── __init__.py
├── main.py
├── resource
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── logging.conf
│ ├── reference_config.json
│ ├── template_report.html
│ └── tool_config.json
└── utils
├── bam.py
├── config.py
├── fastq.py
├── __init__.py
├── logger.py
├── plot.py
├── report.py
├── sam.py
├── stat.py
└── tag.py
If you have any questions or require assistance using EVAtool, please contact us: xieguiyan@hust.edu.cn. More informations and usage could be found in the EVAtool web.