The scripts implement an EM algorithm to fit the mixture model in Li and Shen (2019) to assess the pleiotropic effects of the CCR5delta32 mutation.
The following three functions implements the EM algorithm for fitting the 3-component mixture model:
for the Z scores of the CCR5delta32 variant across a series of complex diseases.
## mixture model 190603 three components
compute.log.lik <- function(X, L, w) {
L[,1] <- L[,1]*w[1]
L[,2] <- L[,2]*w[2]
L[,3] <- L[,3]*w[3]
mixture.EM <- function(w.init, mu.init, X) {
w.curr <- w.init
mu <- mu.init
L = matrix(NA, nrow = length(X), ncol= 3)
L[, 1] <- dnorm(X, mean = 0, sd = 1)
L[, 2] <- dnorm(X, mean = mu, sd = 1)
L[, 3] <- dnorm(X, mean = -mu, sd = 1)
L.curr <- L
# store log-likehoods for each iteration
log_liks <- c()
ll <- compute.log.lik(X, L.curr, w.curr)
log_liks <- c(log_liks, ll)
delta.ll <- 1
while(delta.ll > 1e-5) {
em <- EM.iter(w.curr, L.curr, X)
mu.curr <- em$
w.curr <- em$
L.curr[, 2] <- dnorm(X, mean = mu.curr, sd = 1)
L.curr[, 3] <- dnorm(X, mean = -mu.curr, sd = 1)
ll <- compute.log.lik(X, L.curr, w.curr)
log_liks <- c(log_liks, ll)
delta.ll <- log_liks[length(log_liks)] - log_liks[length(log_liks)-1]
return(list(pi = w.curr, mu = mu.curr, logliks = log_liks))
EM.iter <- function(w.curr, L, X) {
# E-step
z_ik <- L
for(i in 1:ncol(L)) {
z_ik[,i] <- w.curr[i]*z_ik[,i]
z_ik <- z_ik / rowSums(z_ik)
# M-step <- sum(z_ik[,2]*X)/sum(z_ik[,2]) <- colSums(z_ik)/sum(z_ik)
return(list( =, =
Below, we set up starting values to estimate the parameters for the paper.
## real data: X is a vector containing 131 Z scores for the associations
## between the mutation and 131 curated disease phenotypes
estimation <- mixture.EM(w.init = c(.3, .4, .3), mu.init = 1, X)
## $pi
## [1] 0.00011604534 0.76893798357 0.23094597109
## $mu
## [1] 1.0026908
## $logliks
## ...
The following code performs bootstrap resampling to estimate the standard errors.
myfun <- function(X, indices) {
X <- as.numeric(as.matrix(X[indices,]))
w.curr <- c(.3, .4, .3)
mu <- 1
L = matrix(NA, nrow = length(X), ncol= 3)
L[, 1] = dnorm(X, mean = 0, sd = 1)
L[, 2] = dnorm(X, mean = mu, sd = 1)
L[, 3] = dnorm(X, mean = -mu, sd = 1)
L.curr <- L
# store log-likehoods for each iteration
log_liks <- c()
ll <- compute.log.lik(X, L.curr, w.curr)
log_liks <- c(log_liks, ll)
delta.ll <- 1
while(delta.ll > 1e-5) {
em <- EM.iter(w.curr, L.curr, X)
mu.curr <- em$
w.curr <- em$
L.curr[, 2] = dnorm(X, mean = mu.curr, sd = 1)
L.curr[, 3] = dnorm(X, mean = -mu.curr, sd = 1)
ll <- compute.log.lik(X, L.curr, w.curr)
log_liks <- c(log_liks, ll)
delta.ll <- log_liks[length(log_liks)] - log_liks[length(log_liks)-1]
return(c(w.curr, mu.curr))
data <- data.frame(x = X)
boot.result <- boot(data = data, statistic = myfun, R = 99)
## Call:
## boot(data = data, statistic = myfun, R = 99)
## Bootstrap Statistics :
## original bias std. error
## t1* 0.00011604534 0.090873373 0.129549705
## t2* 0.76893798357 -0.070296231 0.124585479
## t3* 0.23094597109 -0.020577142 0.045616628
## t4* 1.00269083189 0.069282159 0.139459538