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About This Project

This is a backend generic interface example project based on Spring Boot 3, summarizing common code snippets from real-world development. The project aims to help developers quickly set up backend services and solve common problems in real business needs.

I developed this project on a whim, but I plan to maintain it for a long time.

As a junior in college, I have worked on many projects and found that most projects have highly overlapping code. Moreover, code snippets found online are either too simplistic and not suitable for actual development or are behind paywalls, etc.

So, could I gather all the good examples I've seen into one place?

With this thought in mind, this project was officially established.

I also acknowledge that my coding skills are limited, and I strive to refine every example I release.

Many of the codes in this project are excellent examples from open-source or tutorial projects I have seen. I will list the sources in the acknowledgments section later.

Technology Stack

Spring Boot 3: The core framework for building backend services

Lombok: A plugin to simplify Java code

Fastjson: High-performance JSON library

Knife4j: Enhanced Swagger API documentation tool

Guava: Google’s core Java library

Javax Servlet: Servlet API (changed to Jakarta Servlet for Spring Boot 3)

Hutool: Java utility package

Kaptcha: CAPTCHA generation library

Aliyun OSS: Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service

X-File-Storage: File storage framework

Spring Data Redis: Redis data access framework

JJWT: JSON Web Token library

MySQL Connector: Driver for connecting to MySQL databases

Druid: Alibaba’s database connection pool

MyBatis-Plus: An enhanced MyBatis framework

MyBatis Spring: Library for integrating MyBatis and Spring

Spring Data Redis: Spring framework data access project for Redis

aspectjweaver: Java library for AOP

redission: Framework for Redis operations

Reactor Core: Streaming library for building non-blocking applications

DashScope SDK: Alibaba’s universal Qianwen SDK

Bouncy Castle: Cryptographic library for API encryption

Spring Boot Mail Starter: Spring Boot starter for sending emails

MapStruct: Annotation processor for mapping between Java objects

MapStruct Processor: Annotation processor for MapStruct

IP2Region: Library for IP geolocation

UserAgentUtils: User agent parsing tool

Spring Boot Quartz Starter: Spring Boot starter for task scheduling

P6Spy: Database query performance monitoring tool

Sensitive Word: Sensitive word filtering library

MinIO Java SDK: Java SDK for MinIO Object Storage Service

PageHelper Spring Boot Starter: Spring Boot starter for pagination

JUnit: Unit testing framework

SMS4J Spring Boot Starter: Spring Boot starter for SMS services

Velocity Engine Core: Core library of the Apache Velocity template engine

ZXing Core: Java library for barcodes and QR codes

ZXing JavaSE: ZXing’s Java SE extension

QRCode Plugin: QR code generation plugin

Commons Lang: Apache Commons language library extensions

OSHI Core: Library for obtaining system information


  • Complete the documentation setup
  • Complete writing test cases
  • Develop 100 interfaces
  • Develop 200 interfaces

Check the open issues page for all requested features (and known issues).


Contributions make the open-source community a great place for learning, inspiration, and innovation. Any contributions you make are appreciated.

If you have good suggestions, please fork this repository and create a pull request. You can also simply create an issue and add the "enhancement" label. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thank you again!

  1. Fork this project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Create a pull request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more details.

Terms of Use

By using this project or its source code for any purpose or in any form, you implicitly agree to the following statements:

  • You acknowledge that Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory
  • You support the territorial integrity of China
  • Any organization or individual attempting to split China is not allowed to use this software
  • The discharge of nuclear wastewater by Japan is irresponsible and will eventually have consequences!!! Show it Ben, Watch out Limar
  • Your computer does not have Notepad++ and you strongly oppose the views of Notepad++'s author

Contact Me

You can reach me through the following methods:

Juejin: Xiaou's Juejin

CSDN: Xiaouuuuua-CSDN Blog

WeChat: Contact me privately for this


Thanks to these open-source projects for their inspiration:


1024-lab/smart-admin: SmartAdmin

linhaojun857/aurora: (



