Manage local secure and unsecure enviroment through react-native-keys supporting iOS and Android
secure: Secure enviroment use JNI to secure keys which we cannot easily decompile or hack public: Public enviroment use native bridging which can be decomile or hack
yarn add react-native-keys
Create a new file keys.json
in the root of your React Native app and add keys in secure
object for JNI and add keys in public for without jni usage like this:
"secure": {
"secure1": "secure1 value",
"secure2": "secure2 value",
"secure3": "secure3 value"
"public": {
"public1": "numan",
"public2": "usman",
"APP_ID": "com.example.rnkeys"
Then access variables defined there from your app:
import Keys from 'react-native-keys';
Keys.API_URL; //'
Keys.URI_SCHEME; // fb://
import Keys from 'react-native-keys';
await Keys.secureFor('API_TOKEN '); // 'ABCSE#$DDSD
await Keys.secureFor('GOOGLE_API_KEY '); // 'ABCSE#$DDSD
await Keys.secureFor('SECRET_KEY'); // 'ABCSE#$DDSD
Keep in mind It's basically impossible to prevent users from reverse engineering mobile app secrets but this librrary iis more secure.
Install the package:
$ yarn add react-native-keys
Link the library:
(Note: For React Native 0.60 or greater, autolinking is available)
or later. For earlier versions you need to manually link the module.)
$ react-native link react-native-keys
if cocoapods are used in the project then pod has to be installed as well:
(cd ios; pod install)
Manual Link (iOS)
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
βAdd Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
and addKeys.xcodeproj
- Expand the
folder - In the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project'sBuild Phases
βLink Binary With Libraries
- And go the Build Settings tab. Make sure All is toggled on (instead of Basic)
- Look for Header Search Paths and add
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
Manual Link (Android)
+ include ':react-native-keys' + project(':react-native-keys').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-keys/android')
dependencies { implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules + implementation project(':react-native-keys') }
+ import com.rnkeys.KeysPackage; @Override protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage() + new KeysPackage() ); }
you can only read jni key into java this
URL url = new URL(BuildConfig.API_URL); //
You can also read them from your Gradle configuration:
defaultConfig {
applicationId project.env.get("APP_ID")
And use them to configure libraries in AndroidManifest.xml
and others:
android:value="@string/BRANCH_KEY" />
All variables are strings, so you may need to cast them. For instance, in Gradle:
versionCode project.env.get("VERSION_CODE").toInteger()
import static com.rnkeys.KeysModule.getSecureFor;
String secureValue=getSecureFor("BRANCH_KEY"); // key_test_omQ7YYKiq57vOqEJsdcsdfeEsiWkwxE
Read variables declared in keys.json
from your Obj-C classes like:
// import header
#import "Keys.h"
// then read individual keys like:
NSString *value = [Keys publicFor:@"API_URL"]; //
// import header
#import "Keys.h"
// then read individual keys like:
NSString *value = [Keys secureFor:@"BRANCH_KEY"]; //key_test_omQ7YYKiq57vOqEJsdcsdfeEsiWkwxE
With one extra step environment values can be exposed to "Info.plist" and Build settings in the native project.
- click on the file tree and create new file of type XCConfig
- save it under
folder as "Config.xcconfig" with the following content:
#include? "tmp.xcconfig"
- add the following to your ".gitignore":
go to project settings
Go to Edit scheme... -> Build -> Pre-actions, click + and select New Run Script Action. Paste below code which will generate "tmp.xcconfig" before each build exposing values to Build Settings and Info.plist. Make sure to select your target under Provide build settings from, so
environment variables is available to the script.."${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native-keys/keysIOS.js"
You can now access your env variables in the Info.plist, for example
. If you face issues accessing variables, please open a new issue and provide as much details as possible so above steps can be improved.
- Go to Edit scheme... -> Build -> Pre-actions, click + and select New Run Script Action. Paste below code which will generate KEYS keys on native ios side (into nodemodules) Make sure to select your target under _Provide build settings from, so
environment variables is available to the script.
Save config for different environments in different files: keys.staging.json
, keys.production.json
, etc.
By default react-native-keys will read from keys.json
, but you can change it when building or releasing your app.
The simplest approach is to tell it what file to read with an environment variable, like:
$ KEYSFILE=keys.staging.json react-native run-ios # bash
$ SET KEYSFILE=keys.staging.json && react-native run-ios # windows
$ env:KEYSFILE="keys.staging.json"; react-native run-ios # powershell
This also works for run-android
. Alternatively, there are platform-specific options below.
The same environment variable can be used to assemble releases with a different config:
$ cd android && KEYSFILE=keys.staging.json ./gradlew assembleRelease
Alternatively, you can define a map in build.gradle
associating builds with env files. Do it before the apply from
call, and use build cases in lowercase, like:
project.ext.keyFiles = [
debug: "keys.json",
release: "keys.staging.json",
apply from: project(':react-native-keys').projectDir.getPath() + "/RNKeys.gradle"
The basic idea in iOS is to have one scheme per environment file, so you can easily alternate between them.
Start by creating a new scheme:
- In the Xcode menu, go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme
- Click Duplicate Scheme on the bottom
- Give it a proper name on the top left. For instance: "Myapp (staging)"
Then edit the newly created scheme to make it use a different env file. From the same "manage scheme" window:
- Expand the "Build" settings on left
- Click "Pre-actions", and under the plus sign select "New Run Script Action"
- Where it says "Type a script or drag a script file", type:
you can also set different file for debug and release build like this.
export DEBUG_KEYSFILE=keys.debug.json
export RELEASE_KEYSFILE=keys.staging.json
#above DEBUG_KEYSFILE and RELEASE_KEYSFILE variable are optional
Also ensure that "Provide build settings from", just above the script, has a value selected so that PROJECT_DIR is set.
you can decompile APK/IPA by this package react-native-decompiler and can find public and secure keys. you will not find secure keys.
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