gitlab-commit-trello-comment will monitor your gitlab commit with card number(like #234) and push a format comment to that card of your trello board. modified from gitlab-webhook-receiver project.
gitlab-webhook-receiver is a script to receive http posts from gitlab and then pull the latest branches from a git repo.
Before getting stated you will need install Trolly and httplib2 (reqired by trolly).
pip install trolly httplib2
pip install -r requirements.txt
gitlab-commit-trello-comment is released under the GPL v2.
Copy the to and fill your gitlab and trello info.
In gitlab, as admin, go to "Hooks" tab, create hook as:
or change the port on line 175 of the script.
remember to edit the script if any of your directories were changed.
Let me know what's happening and I'll try to help. Email me at