Automatically create releases in GitLab and update the as well.
- While working on any merge request use the specified template & Label [~ Development Team]
- Use merged MR to create a commit for Changelog update and release objects [~ this script]
Usage: --authkey=<authkey> --project-path=<project> --component_project-path=<project> [--url=<url>]\ --tag_for_release=<tag_for_release>\ --target_branch_for_MR=<target_branch_for_MR> --mr_state=<mr_state>\ --type_of_action=<type_of_action> --scheduled_after=<scheduled_after>\ --scheduled_before=<scheduled_before>
- --authkey= Access token for authentication with GitLab.
- --project-path= Path to GitLab project in the form /
- --component_project-path= Path to ATPCU GitLab project.(Used for parsing compatible component info)----IGNORE(Can be removed)
- --url= Gitlab host URL. [default:]
- --tag_for_release=<tag_for_release> Specify which tags to be used for release
- --target_branch_for_MR=<target_branch_for_MR> Specify the target branch for MR in the project as well as for SS
- --mr_state=<mr_state> Specify the state of MR's in the project(merged ,opened , closed)
- --type_of_action=<type_of_action> Specify the type of action (ChangeLog or Release)
- --scheduled_after=<scheduled_after> Time in Date-ISO 8601 format for collecting all the MR's updated after.
- --scheduled_before=<scheduled_before> Time in Date-ISO 8601 format for collecting all the MR's updated before.
- --help -h Show this screen
Can be adapted as per your project needs and structure. See for modifying the final assets/links.