This repositorty contains all the scripts that I used for benchmakring Vaquita. The result was presented in WABI 2017 in Boston.
- Variant callers
Name | Reference | Version |
Vaquita | source repository | WABI2017 |
LumpyExpress | Layer et al., 2014 | 0.2.13 |
Delly2 | Rausch et al., 2012 | 0.7.3 |
CREST | Wang et al., 2011 | 1.0 |
Pindel | Ye et al., 2009 | 0.2.5b8 |
GASVPro | Sindi et al., 2012 | Oct1_2013 |
You can use wrapper scripts for several programs for your conveniecne.
- Simulators
Name | Reference | Version |
Mason | Holtgrewe, 2010 | 2.0.5 |
ART | Huang et al., 2012 | MountRainer-2016.06.05 |
You can refer my commands for generating simulation datasets in simulations.txt
- Real datasets
Name | Link or Accession # |
Genome in a bottle | |
Illumina Platinum Genomes | ERR194147, ERR194160, and ERR194161 |
Please open
, and change settings accordingly.
For example, you may have to change binary files for variant callers in here.
You can refer my command in commands.txt
Jongkyu Kim (