This generator was created to simplify config generation for large amounts of quorum sets
The generator relies on the config.json
file, containing the structure of the
XDB CHAIN Quorum Sets, to be present in the project root.
The generator expects 9 parameters to be provided through CLI arguments:
"node_home_domain": a home domain to which the node is belong to,
"node_seed": a secret seed of the node,
"node_name": name of the node,
"db_name": name of a database,
"db_user": database user,
"db_password": database password,
"db_host": database host,
"history_get": how to get the history of the node,
"history_put": how to put the history of the node
Exactly in that ^ order.
cd xdb-config-generator
pip install -r requirements.txt
python SAZLJGZ4GAVWNSU44R3SFD4NAZMZEVTS375USHGNJMGSWV7JRHALZDEF my_node_1 db_name my_user secret_password localhost:5432 "curl -sf{0} -o {1}" "aws s3 cp {0} s3://my_history_bucket/livenet/my_node_1/{1}" > /etc/xdbchain.cfg