My intention is to host new repositories elsewhere. Things stored here won't be removed and will be updated, however they might be logically moved from GitHub to other location(s). GitHub can still be used for mirrors of new projects if there is a need for that.
"Elsewhere" is my instance of RocketGit. I gave an overview of RocketGit in this post.
For convenience, here's a list of repositories that's not on my GitHub account:
- pipedial (one more tool for selecting something in console)
- libcursed (C++ classes for dealing with curses)
- libcursedrl (libcursed extension for integration with readline)
- libvle (beginnings of a library for building Vim-like applications)
- tos (an alternative version of sources presented as part of Write Your Own OS video tutorial by Viktor Engelmann)
- xscripts (small collection of some scripts I find useful)