Some OpenGL commonplace procedures are piled here, only for the purpose of submitting assignments for a course in computer graphics. I wouldn't recommend anyone to attempt vainly to make any "innovative" use of them as the name already implied: it's a run-of-the-mill.
About the coursework per se: Each project is runnable, as long as the environment is set up as follows. The screenshots are ommitted here and will be sent in another way.
Here I will use GLFW and GLAD as the libraries to create graphics. Setup the environment following the steps in
I chose stb_image.h as the image loader, and the mathematics library is OpenGL Mathematics (GLM).
In each separate folder under this directory, the programs are independent and runnable. Add the folder to the above-mentioned OpenGL environment, and compile the source by
g++ $fileName -g -I../include -L../lib -o ../$executableName -lglad -lglfw3dll
These commands may need some modification according to the actual directory structure.
Please star this repo if it is helpful to you!