Releases: x00169673/Thesis
Releases · x00169673/Thesis
The FullProjectExport.unitypackage is an export from the source Unity project and can be used to set up your own project. It was exported from v2020.3.18f1 and is dependent on the folllowing packages
- Mixed Reality Input 0.9.2006
- Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin 1.03
- Burst 1.4.11
- MockHMD XR Plugin 1.3
- OpenXR Plugin 1.2.8
- Unity UI 1.0
- XR Plugin Management 4.0.7
The contains a Windows build which can be exported and played as is.
The source assoceated with this build is a complete copy of the project files less those autogenerated by Unity (Library, obj, Tmp, csproj, etc.)