- Kali Linux
- Windows (32-bit version preffered)
- SQL databases viewer
- Wireshark (for opening network capture files)
- audacity (for manipulating on voice files)
- VMware and VirtualBox (for recovering corrupted disk image files)
- one email client (for opening .eml email and attachment backups)
- Backup Internet Connection
- Anonymous Masks
- ExifTool (check files meta info)
- outguess
- net-tools (includes nmap and netstat and nc and other primary networking tools)
- binwalk
grep flag /path/to/file
grep -i flag /path/to/file # Non case-sensitive
grep -R flag . # Search all files in current directory recursively
grep -a flag /path/to/file # Process a binary file as if it were text
grep -oba PNG binaryfile.bin # Finds "PNG" in binaryfile.bin and returns the binary offset of it
In vim and man pages: [ESC] /flag [enter]
jump to next result with [N]
grep -oba PNG binaryfile.bin # Finds "PNG" in binaryfile.bin and returns the binary offset of it
dd status=none if=binaryfile.bin bs=1 skip=M count=N # get a part of a binary file
binwalk # Finds stuff in a binary file
binwalk --dd='.*' file # Extracts stuff in a file
foremost -T # Finds stuff in binary files
strings # Finds strings within a file
radare2 # Static analysis of disassemblies
xxd # make a hexdump or do the reverse.
http://superuser.com/questions/294270/how-to-view-raw-binary-data-as-an-image-with-given-width-and-height http://serverfault.com/questions/173999/dump-a-linux-processs-memory-to-file
wget -rc http://example.com # Download a mirror of example.com
wget ???? http://example.com # Ignore robots.txt and crawl
wget -rcA .pdf http://example.com # Download all pdf files in example.com
@smmsadrnezh TODO
ExifTool example.jpg
command-line tool outguess
- idea: 8th bit of some or all of the bytes is changed to a bit of secret message.
- symptoms: BMP files
- you may find the original image by searching problem image in Google if it's not given.
- also it works for finding the difference between two text files.
From PIL import Image
# Save and load
img = Image.open('/path/to/file')
# Process images
Image.blend(image1,image2,0.5) # Should be the same size
**TODO**: add more stuff here!
- Changing play speed
- Find difference between left and right channel
- Reversing audio
- Visualizing audio with spectrum tool in audacity
- Transforming from time-space to frequency space
- Search the lyrics if applicable
- This online tool is good: http://string-functions.com/
- AES en/de-cryption: http://aes.online-domain-tools.com/
- Online: http://www.md5calc.com/
- PHP:
echo "<?=md5('plain text');?>" | php
- Python:
import hashlib
def md5(string):
hasher = hashlib.md5()
return hasher.hexdigest()
- Bash:
printf plain text | md5sum
- Good for bath decoding. Has a simple captcha: http://www.hashkiller.co.uk/md5-decrypter.aspx
- No captcha, can be used in python:
import requests
def decrypt_md5(encrypted):
post_values = {
'submit':'Decrypt It!',
resp_text = requests.post(url='http://md5decryption.com/', data=post_values).text
ii = resp_text.find('Decrypted Text: </b>') + 1
ii = resp_text.find('>', ii) + 1
jj = resp_text.find('<', ii)
resp = resp_text[ii:jj]
return resp
- Check for array length (overflow)
- Check for array index [0..n-1], non negative, not \ge n
- printf(string) -> printf("%s", string) TODO
- check for open ports with nmap. Then connect through ssh or telnet or netcat or open it in a web browser. Maybe it is a non-standard port.
- find packets with telnet protocol. right-click on a packet in the session, and select 'Follow TCP Stream.' you see credential because telnet does not encrypt data.
- use HTTP filter to clean up the listed packets to only include those using the HTTP protocol. find URL or some meaningful text.
- find flag using the device which is captured [TODO]
- Network miner is a good windows software for mining pcap files
- Vularnablity scanner: http://www.acunetix.com/
- Stealing cookies
- Changing php session id
- SQL injection
- Inspect ajax requests
- Using javascript in fields like username and search (XSS)
- Check these:
- postgresql tables:
- Add characters like %00 and %20 to ajax URLs
- check robots.txt file content and html page source for any information is hidden from the web.
- monitor cookies set on your browser when you send request to a web page.
- ?page=php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=../delete To get files source codes on server (LFI)
Well, I should put some time into mastering these tools, they're very useful in CTF contests. Best ever tool: IDA
Check binary tools in command line tools above.
ltrace -C -i ./file
Dynamically analyses function calls
- Files may be packed using ASPack
- Snowman is very good in decompiling C programs
objdump TODO
gdb TODO