- Support https://help.firewalla.com (email help@firewalla.com)
- Current Stable Branch: release_6_0
- Current Beta Branch: beta_6_0
- Current Alpha Branch: beta_7_0
- Unstable Branch: master
- Image in Beta Testing (invitation only)
- You can pre-order Firewalla Blue at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/firewalla-blue-cybersecurity-for-home-business
- https://github.com/firewalla/firewalla/releases/download/v1.957/fos.release_6_14.armv7l.img.gz
- sha256sum: 896014e839a7198249b62b266664baaab529e1d8034261e1fa4a9599161288e4
- Flash image to micro sd card, and put into Firewalla Red
- You can order Firewalla Red at https://firewalla.com
If you have Raspberry Pi 3 and want a preview. The preview image is a over 6 months old.
Download https://github.com/firewalla/firewalla/releases/download/1.6/firewalla1.6a.img.gz
Prepare a blank microsd card > 8GB size
Follow the same step as installing a raspberry pi image
We are focusing on delivering the official hardware, hence Raspberry Pi support is a bit lacking, we are hoping to pick it up soon. We will be very likely selling a development version of Firewalla very soon. It will be at cost with a small mark up to take care the labor involved.
- Download Jessie Lite
follow direction to flash this to a card
- Boot Pi and update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install git
- Configure Pi
- sudo raspi-config
- Change Password
- Host Name
- Advance Options -> Memory Split (Change to 16)
- Expand File System
- Reboot
- Install On Device
git clone https://github.com/firewalla/firewalla --branch release_pi_1_0 --single-branch
cd firewalla
sudo apt-get clean
** for development please create your own branch. (release_pi_1_0 is for official releases)
cd docker
docker build -f Dockerfile2 -t firewalla .
docker run --privileged -p 8833:8833 -p 8834:8834 -ti firewalla
# to get an interactive shell
docker run --privileged -p 8833:8833 -p 8834:8834 -ti firewalla su - pi
- App Store (Stable): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/firewalla/id1180904053
- TestFlight (Beta App): https://testflight.apple.com/join/qtUnSjJp
- Google Play (Stable): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.firewalla.chancellor&hl=en_US
- Beta App: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.firewalla.chancellor
If anything bad happens, unplug it. :) The raspberry pi version uses bluetooth to link the app with the board. Final hardware will require a scan of a barcode.
- origin/master: latest / greatest
- release_pi_1: current released code for pi, will be pulled automatically by all deployed boards.
- dev_<>: development branchs.
- Please do a pull request for features
- For router compatibility, please check out detail information at https://help.firewalla.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009401874-Router-Compatibility