- by wwwxkz
- github.com/wwwxkz
- gitlab.com/wwwxkz
- linkedin.com/wwwxkz
Programming with no goal, thought about making an program to state questions (situations) and options to adress those like an notepad, but "funnier". It was a cool, but as I began I tought that making a geogebra in the console would be even better. In python just because it is easy, and I was playing around with the interactive shell
1 - DO NOT use any LIBRARY
2 - it HAS to be CONCISE
3 - CLEAN instead of short
4 - MINIMAL functions and classes sizes
6 - CLEAN code does not need comments
(note: focusing in plotter.py from now on, I will implement all todos and improve the overall code quality of plotter)
- Separate align from text plotter
- Add horizontal bar plotter
- Add vertical bar plotter
- Add pizza plotter
- Add function plotter
- Remove numpy
- Add more descriptive variable names
- Add more descriptive function names
- Add interactive shell
- Multiple plots at the same time
- Fix pizza draw circle function
- Separate examples from plotter
- Separate examples from menu
- Separate menu from main
- Refactor code into classes and archives
- Improve function logic
- By making negative regions work
- By removing duplicates when creating x negative section
- By using different values to x and y
- By making exponential work as expected x²
- By fixing presentation error 'space error'
- Add zoom in/out
- By adding shell to last plot
- By adding a while loop and re-display function
- By displaying last parameters with updated display t_width
- By adding a while loop and re-display function
- By adding shell to last plot
- Add move through plot
- By adding a focus point
- Refactor function
- Remove last frame logic from pizza
- Improve horizontal bar label logic
- Align labels by space around
- Align bars with labels
- Add bar height to vertical bar
- By finding bar height midle point
- Improve pizza logic
- by implementing sin, cos, tan functions