- Installing Go: https://golang.org/doc/install
- [Go By Example] (https://gobyexample.com/) - Go Code Snippets
- [Go: Code that Grows with Grace] (https://talks.golang.org/2012/chat.slide#1)
- [WWG Bangalore Intro to Go] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3xOA5e94fePRml1REZCdFpRVlU/view)
- [Learn Go in Y minutes] (https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/go/) - Hardcore documented Go Code
- [Official Go tour] (https://tour.golang.org) - All the Go basics
- [WWG NYC Go Tutorial] (https://github.com/womenwhogonyc/Go-Tutorial) - Simple Go Tutorials
- [Madlib] (https://github.com/womenwhogonyc/Go-Tutorial/blob/master/CLI.md)
- [Simple Web Server] (https://github.com/womenwhogonyc/Go-Tutorial/blob/master/HTTP.md)
- [Concurrency basics] (https://github.com/womenwhogonyc/Go-Tutorial/blob/master/CONCURRENCY.md)
- [How I start Go] (http://www.howistart.org/posts/go/1) - Good guide by Peter Bourgon that covers many topics
- [Go track on Exercism.io] (http://exercism.io/languages/go) - Learn by debuggin Go Code
- [Create a To-Do list by building a RESTful JSON API in Go] (http://thenewstack.io/make-a-restful-json-api-go/) - Beginner/Intermediate Tutorial
- [Ardan Labs, Hardcore Go] (https://github.com/ardanlabs/gotraining) - Intense Go course
- Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/toddmcleod/videos