Party Playlist offers a service to set up a Spotify playlist for your party!
Create and manage a playlist for your party.
* guest account (search, vote and add songs) * admin account (create playlist, remove songs, trick votes and all guest account features)
* Get your own Spotify API credentials by registering your app at!/applications/create * Remember to set the "Redirect URI" depending on where you're developing or planning to deploy, meaning that if your environment is going to be local, that URI should be "http://localhost:3000/auth/spotify/callback" * Copy file config/spotify.yml.example to config/spotify.yml and put there your own credentials.
Ruby version 2.2.0
System dependencies: Docker Engine version 1.7.1 or greater
Database creation ‘docker-compose run web rake db:create db:migrate`
Deployment instructions: see Docker documentation
Running on docker: type ‘docker-compose up`, server will run on localhost:3000