A web deployment tool, Easy for configuration, Fully functional, Smooth interface, Out of the box. support git/svn Version control system, no matter what language you are, php/java/ruby/python, just as jenkins. you can deploy the code or output to multiple servers easily by walle.
Now, there are more than ten companies hosted walle for deployment, star walle if you like : )
- Support git/svn Version control system.
- User signup by admin/develop identity.
- Developer submit a task, deploy task.
- Admin audit task.
- Multiple project.
- Multiple Task Parallel.
- Quick rollback.
- Group relation of project.
- Task of pre-deploy(e.g: test ENV var).
- Task of post-deploy(e.g: mvn/ant, composer install for vendor).
- Task of pre-release(e.g: stop service).
- Task of post-release(e.g: restart service).
- Check up file md5.
- Bash(git、ssh)
- LNMP/LAMP(php5.4+)
- Composer
That's all. It's base package of PHP environment!
git clone git@github.com:meolu/walle-web.git
cd walle-web
vi config/web.php # set up module db mysql connection info
composer install # error cause by bower-asset, install:composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:*"
./yii run/setup # init walle
Or The Most Detailed Installation Guide, any questions refer to FAQ
- Signup a admin user(
exists), then configure a project, add member to the project, detect it. - Signup a develop user(
exists), submit a deployment. - Project admin audit the deployment.
- Developer deploy the deployment.
you would like to adjust some params to make walle suited for your company.
Set suffix of email while signing in
vi config/params.php 'mail-suffix' => [ // specify the suffix of email, multiple suffixes are allow. 'huamanshu.com', // e.g: allow xxx@huamanshu.com only ]
Configure email smtp
vi config/web.php +25 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', 'host' => 'smtp.huamanshu.com', # smtp host 'username' => 'service@huamanshu.com', # smtp username 'password' => 'password', # smtp password 'port' => 25, # smtp port 'encryption' => 'tls', # smtp protocol vi config/params.php 'support.email' => 'service@huamanshu.com', // the same with username of mail module in config/web.php
Configure the path for log
vi config/params.php 'log.dir' => '/tmp/walle/',
Configure language
vi config/web.php +73 'language' => 'en', # zh => 中文, en => English
- Travis CI integration
- Mail events:specify kinds of events
- Gray released:specify servers
- Websocket instead of poll
- A manager of static source
- Configure variables
- Support Docker
- Open api
- Command line
git pull
./yii migrate # update db
- submit issue
- email: wushuiyong@huamanshu.com
- QQ Group: 482939318