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Operation configuration

Simone Bembi edited this page Feb 4, 2018 · 5 revisions

Operation configuration

The operation configuration lets you define a configuration for a single map, defining which properties should be mapped and how.

The available methods are:

  • mapFrom(selector: (source: Source) => any)
  • ignore()
  • mapAs(selector: (source: Source) => any, signature: MapSignature)
  • immutably(value: boolean = true)
  • `getParent<ParentSource, ParentDestination>() => IOperationConfiguration<ParentSource, ParentDestination>;

The available properties are:

  • depth: number
  • source: Source
  • destination: Destination
  • signature: Signature

These properties can be used to access the source and destination objects directly.

Map from

The mapFrom method is used to enable copying a property from the source to the destination object.


mapper.createMap<Source, Destination>(signature, Destination)
    .forMember('a', operation => operation
        .mapFrom(source => source.a)


Simply ignore the property.

Map as

It enables nested mappings: an object containing another complex object can be mapped referring to a previously set map.


Given these classes:

class ProductEntity {
    productName: string;
    prices: Array<PriceEntity>;
class PriceEntity {
    price: number;

class ProductModel {
    name: string;
    prices: Array<PriceModel>;
class PriceModel {
    amount: number;
    product: ProductModel;

We want to map from entities to models, so we create two maps:

const productSign = {
    source: Symbol('ProductEntity'),
    destination: Symbol('ProductModel')

const priceSign = {
    source: Symbol('PriceEntity'),
    destination: Symbol('PriceModel')

const mapper = new Mapper();
    .withConfiguration(conf => conf
        .shouldRequireExplicitlySetProperties(true) // Explicitly set properties only
        .shouldAutomaticallyMapArrays(true));       // Map arrays also

mapper.createMap<ProductEntity, ProductModel>(productSign, ProductModel)
    .forMember('name', opt => opt.mapFrom(src => src.productName))
    .forMember('prices', opt => opt.mapAs(src => src.prices, priceSign));

mapper.createMap<PriceEntity, PriceModel>(priceSign, PriceModel)
    .forMember('amount', opt => opt.mapFrom(src => src.price))
    .forMember('product', opt => opt
        .mapFrom(() => {
            const parent = opt.getParent<ProductEntity, ProductModel>();
            // preserve a reference of the product in which this price is contained
            return parent && parent.destination;
        .withPrecondition(() => {
            // Precondition not required but recommended
            const parent = opt.getParent<ProductEntity, ProductModel>();
            return parent && (parent.source instanceof ProductEntity);

This configuration will map ProductEntity into a ProductModel, and the source's PriceEntity's into PriceModel's.
As a bonus, PriceModel preserves a reference to the parent ProductModel in which the price is contained.


Defines if a property should be mapped immutably.


The getParent method returns the parent operation configuration object, set if the current map action is triggered by another mapping (e.g. with a mapAs).
So the result of the method can be undefined.
The parent object contains its depth, source entity, destination entity and signature.

A usage example has been shown here

Source configuration

The source operation configuration is accessed when using the forSourceMember method in the Map configuration.
It supports only the ignore method.


mapper.createMap<Source, Destination>(signature, Destination)
    .withConfiguration(configuration => configuration
    .forMember('a', operation => operation
        .mapFrom(source => source.a)
        .withPrecondition(() => operation.destination.a === undefined)
    .forSourceMember('z', operation => operation.ignore());

const dest =<Source, Destination>(signature, src);

console.log((dest as any).z);
// logs 'undefined' even if shouldRequireExplicitlySetProperties and  
// shouldIgnoreSourcePropertiesIfNotInDestination are set to false because 
// the property is set to be ignored