This repo provides everything necessary to provision a Kubernetes cluster on Sanger's OpenStack and deploy the following services:
- JupyterHub
K8s deployment is done using a modified version of Kubespray to run on Sanger's infrastructure, from our sister team in Cellular Genetics. Their repo, itself a fork of upstream Kubespray, is checked in here. HGI's implementation doesn't necessarily follow best practices, in a software engineer or devops sense, but it works. For now.
This documentation serves as a step-by-step guide, following that provided by Cellgeni, to get everything up-and-running.
You will need an OpenStack project/tenancy to deploy your cluster into.
For deployment, you will need a host that can speak to OpenStack, with
Terraform, Ansible and the OpenStack client installed. It's definitely
worth setting your environment up in a tmux
session, to avoid having
to go through the rigmarole each time!
Clone this repository:
git clone --recurse-submodule
The Cellgeni Kubespray module is set to track upstream master. If this has become out-dated, it can be updated with:
git submodule update --remote
The first thing you'll need to do is source activate.rc
, which sets
the appropriate environment variables for communicating with our
OpenStack project. This works by retrieving HGI's secrets from GitLab,
provisioned by hgi-systems
For this to run successfully -- presuming hgi-systems
is still a thing
environment variables must be
set; these values can be found in the usual place.
Note that the automatic fetching of credentials is a nicety; they can be
hardcoded into activate.rc
-- along with the other things that are
hardcoded and will need modifying if you're deploying into a different
OpenStack project -- providing they're not checked in!
TODO activate.rc
also sources some Cellgeni dependencies that are
not currently checked in. This is mostly concerned with setting up and
initialising a Conda environment with the necessary bits-and-pieces to
setup K8s (specifically Terraform and Ansible).
If you don't have an id_rsa
SSH key, you will also need to generate
one and add it to your SSH agent:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
This could potentially be done differently, such that there is a special
K8s key. Currently, the K8s cluster is using mercury
's key.
The Terraform inventories used to create the infrastructure in our
OpenStack project is defined in inventory
. Specifically, for the dev
cluster, the configuration is defined in inventory/dev/
The important settings here are the number and flavour of K8s master and
worker nodes, which ought to be set to fit into your OpenStack project's
Note that instance flavours are given by their ID, rather than their
name (e.g., o1.medium
). These can be looked up with the OpenStack
openstack flavor list
Note that Kubespray uses etcd nodes; standalone and/or cohabiting the K8s master nodes. etcd's consensus algorithm prefers an odd number of etcd nodes and this is enforced in Kubespray's Ansible playbook; therefore, ensure the number of these nodes is odd. Our development cluster uses one master K8s node and no standalone; increasing the number of K8s masters increases resilience, but this parity constraint must be maintained.
Note that we have chosen to use a bastion node to route all traffic -- i.e., it gets a floating IP -- therefore all K8s master and worker nodes are only available within the private network.
The other settings in the Terraform configuration are either
Sanger-specific (i.e., probably won't need changing) or aren't
used/artefacts from stealing lifting this from Cellgeni (e.g.,
First, to initialise Terraform, run the following from your cluster's inventory directory:
terraform init ../../cellgeni-kubespray/contrib/terraform/openstack
(As a convenience, you might want to symlink
, as you'll be
typing this a lot!)
Then, to create the cluster, run:
terraform apply ../../cellgeni-kubespray/contrib/terraform/openstack
Note that
notionally performs this operation, but is not
tested. It provides a useful reference in the meantime.
terraform destroy
can be used to bring down the infrastructure, but
note that if you've configured any instances with Ansible, or run any
services in K8s, then you'll have to do some manual clean up first. If
you don't, OpenStack objects -- particularly networking components and
volumes -- can get orphaned, which then become very difficult to remove.
Once Terraform has created its infrastructure, Ansible can be used to configure the instances as a K8s cluster. We must first make some changes to our cluster's inventory:
We have observed that Terraform consistently wipes the contents of the
group variables, for your cluster's inventory. It doesn't delete the file, just empties the contents. It's weird. You will need to restore this with Git, say:git checkout -- inventory/dev/group_vars/no-floating.yml
, once restored, defines the SSH arguments that Ansible will use to route to the cluster nodes via the bastion host. The floating IP of the bastion host is hardcoded into this file and must be changed to the actual floating IP of the bastion host. -
group variables will also need to be edited:openstack_lbaas_subnet_id
needs to be set to that logged in Terraform's state file (i.e.,terraform show terraform.tfstate | grep ' subnet_id'
should be/usr/local/bin
, if it's not alreadycloud_provider
should beopenstack
, if it's not already
group variables will also need to be edited:kube_network_plugin
should becalico
, if it's not alreadyresolvconf_mode
should bedocker_dns
, if it's not already
To use Calico networking, your OpenStack project's network's ports need
to be configured, where $CLUSTER
is defined appropriately (e.g.,
join -t" " -o "1.2" <(openstack port list -f value -c device_id -c id | sort) \
<(openstack server list --name "${CLUSTER}-.*" -f value -c ID | sort) \
| xargs -n1 openstack port set --allowed_address ip-address= \
--allowed_address ip-address=
Finally, before Ansible can be run, the TERRAFORM_STATE_ROOT
environment variable should be set to the cluster's inventory root, say:
export TERRAFORM_STATE_ROOT="$(pwd)/inventory/${CLUSTER}"
To test everything is working and that Ansible can contact all your
cluster's hosts, run the following from the cellgeni-kubespray
ansible -i ../inventory/${CLUSTER}/hosts -m ping all
Providing all is well, the playbook can then be run to install K8s:
ansible-playbook --become -i ../inventory/${CLUSTER}/hosts cluster.yml
This will take a bit of time...
To access and administer K8s from your machine, you will need to
install kubectl
and set up networking and SSH on your local machine.
Copy the K8s cluster's SSH key to your local machine and
it appropriately:scp user@host:/path/to/k8s/ssh/key ~/.ssh/k8s.key chmod 600 ~/.ssh/k8s.key
Create a K8s SSH configuration file and
it in your master SSH configuration:Host 10.0.0.* ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p k8s-bastion User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/k8s.key ForwardX11 yes ForwardAgent yes ForwardX11Trusted yes Host k8s-bastion Hostname BASTION_IP User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/k8s.key ForwardX11 yes ForwardAgent yes ForwardX11Trusted yes Host k8s-master Hostname MASTER_IP ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p k8s-bastion User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/k8s.key Host k8s-tunnel Hostname BASTION_IP LocalForward 16443 MASTER_IP:6443 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/k8s.key ServerAliveInterval 5 ServerAliveCountMax 1 User ubuntu
is the floating IP address of your bastion host andMASTER_IP
is the IP address of any K8s master node within your subnet. -
Add a route to your K8s subnet via the bastion host, from your local machine. For example, on macOS:
sudo route add -net ${BASTION_IP}
Note: You probably won't need to do this. This step is included for completeness' sake.
Get K8s certificates and keys:
# List keys ssh k8s-master sudo ls /etc/kubernetes/ssl # Get admin keys; change remote filename appropriately ssh k8s-master sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin-kube-master-1-key.pem > admin-key.pem ssh k8s-master sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/admin-kube-master-1.pem > admin.pem ssh k8s-master sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.pem > ca.pem
:kubectl config set-cluster default-cluster --server= --certificate-authority=ca.pem kubectl config set-credentials default-admin --certificate-authority=ca.pem --client-key=admin-key.pem --client-certificate=admin.pem kubectl config set-context default-system --cluster=default-cluster --user=default-admin kubectl config use-context default-system
Ensure that
, in~/.kube/config
, points tohttps://
, so it can be accessed via an SSH tunnel. -
Start the SSH tunnel:
ssh -fN k8s-tunnel
You may need to kick this periodically.
should now be operational. In future, only the SSH tunnel will
need to be started to use kubectl
Providing the SSH tunnel from the previous section is open, we can also use the K8s dashboard, using:
kubectl proxy
Which starts a proxy to the dashboard at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
However, to be able to use this, you will first need to create an admin user and acquire an access token, by following these instructions.
See also: Kubernetes Dashboard Overview
Our JupyterHub is deployed via Helm using the Zero to JupyterHub chart. The aforementioned website gives a complete overview of how to install and configure JupyterHub; herein follows a summary.
Install Helm on a machine that can access the K8s cluster (e.g., the same one you installed
on to). For example, on macOS, you can use Homebrew:brew install kubernetes-helm
Install Helm on to the K8s cluster:
kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller helm init --service-account tiller kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
Note that if Helm is already installed on the cluster, you will just need to run
helm init --client-only
on the client machine. -
Add JupyterHub to Helm:
helm repo add jupyterhub helm repo update
JupyterHub needs its own persistent storage, to manage its state. To this end, we create a new cinder storage class, per the definition in Cellgeni's Kubespray repo:
kubectl create -f cellgeni-kubespray/sanger/storage/sc-rw-once.yaml
Start or upgrade JupyterHub, in the
namespace, with the following:helm upgrade --install jpt jupyterhub/jupyterhub --namespace jpt --version 0.7.0 --values jupyter/jupyter-config.yaml
The configuration in jupyter/jupyter-config
defines, amongst other
things (see the aforementioned documentation for details):
Authentication: We have chosen to use LDAP authentication. Note that, in spite of the documentation, a number of fields must be explicitly set for the service to start. Specifically:
This mapping of these values to the underlying authentication module is used, for future reference.
Notebook Image: We have chosen to use our own notebook image, which is derived from the official Docker image stacks for SciPy and R. The repo for this can be found on GitHub as
and is available for deployment from Docker Hub.This provides, as of writing, Python 3.6 and R 3.5 kernels, as well as common packages. This image will probably develop with time to suite our users' needs.
, which defines the size of the persistent volume claim used by each users' pod;singleuser.memory.{limit,guarantee}
, which define the available memory to each users' pod;singleuser.cpu.{limit,guarantee}
, which define the available compute to each users' pod.
We can use these values to easily calculate the maximum capacity of our cluster, in terms of concurrent users, by dividing them into the respective resources provided by the K8s worker nodes. The maximum capacity, in terms of total users, can likewise be found by dividing the total cluster volume quota by the prescribed PVC size.
When JupyterHub starts, it initiates a proxy-public
service in the
namespace, in K8s. This is provisioned with a floating IP, for
external endpoints, and allows access to the service over HTTP.
- Ingress controller, with TLS
- DNS setup (A record)
- Firewall setup, to allow access through VPN
- Internal network name resolution within K8s pods
- Reverse proxy K8s dashboard for convenience? (n.b., Security risk)
- Move to vanilla Kubespray and patch as neccessary, to make upstream updates easier to manage