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Repository files navigation


Install chezmoi and the dotfiles on a new machine.

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply wroyca --branch ergodox

Install chezmoi and the dotfiles in a transitory environments (e.g. short-lived Linux containers).

This install the dotfiles, and then remove all traces of chezmoi, including the source directory and chezmoi's configuration directory.

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --one-shot wroyca --branch ergodox

Pull the latest changes from the repo and apply them.

This runs git pull --autostash --rebase in the source directory and then chezmoi apply.

chezmoi update

Pull the latest changes from the repo and see what would change, without actually applying the changes.

This runs git pull --autostash --rebase in the source directory and chezmoi diff then shows the difference between the target state computed from the source directory and the actual state.

chezmoi git pull -- --autostash --rebase && chezmoi diff