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Label Objects

Richard Barad edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 16 revisions

Label Objects

The label objects specify the name of the layer or group layer. The label object is configured as a list of labels, and a value (the label) is specified for each property (the language). The property is specified using the two letter language ISO codes. Currently, the following languages are supported by the mapbuilder application.

  1. English (en)
  2. French (fr)
  3. Spanish (es)
  4. Portuguese (pt)
  5. Indonesian (id)
  6. Chinese (zh)
  7. Georgian (ka)

Sample code for label objects:

"label": {
	"en": "Land Cover Dynamics",
	"fr": "Evolution de la couverture des sols",
	"es": "Dinámica de la cobertura terrestre",
	"pt": "Dinâmica da Cobertura da Terra",
	"id": "Dinamika Tutupan Lahan",
	"zh":  "土地覆蓋動態"
	"ka": "მიწის საფარის დინამიკა"	