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Automated Jenkins Testing

Dave Gill edited this page May 15, 2020 · 48 revisions


The WRF repository is linked to a Jenkins server that runs on AWS. Whenever a pull request (PR) is made or when a commit to an existing PR is made, a suite of tests are conducted. Those tests take about 30 minutes to complete. The purpose of this page is to fully describe the tests that are conducted and to assist the user in interpreting the test results.

The Jenkins server was developed and is maintained by ScalaComputing.

Description of Tests

What is NOT Tested

The automated tests are referred to as regression tests. A successful completion of the testing indicates that the source code modification has no side effects that break other WRF options (at least the other options that were tested). The testing does not validate the results from the proposed modification. The developer is entirely responsible for demonstrating that the new code performs as expected.

What is Tested

The following table lists the broad test areas (currently 19), and the associated 48 parallel build types across those 19 broad test areas. Note that Tests 1, and 11 - 18 are all em-real. These are just bins for additional physics coverage. Splitting the physics into multiple and separate tests allows the testing to complete much more quickly.

Test Number Mnemonic Description Type
1 em_real ARW real data S O M
2 nmm_hwrf NMM HWRF data - - M
3 em_chem Chemistry real S - M
4 em_quarter_ss Ideal Supercell S O M
5 em_b_wave Ideal Baroclinic Wave S O M
6 em_real8 ARW real 8-byte float S O M
7 em_quarter_ss8 Supercell 8-byte float S O M
8 em_move Moving Nest - - M
9 em_fire Ideal Ground Fire S O M
10 em_hill2d_x Ideal 2d Hill S - -
11 em_realA ARW real data S O M
12 em_realB ARW real data S O M
13 em_realC ARW real data S O M
14 em_realD ARW real data S O M
15 em_realE ARW real data S O M
16 em_realF ARW real data S O M
17 em_realG ARW real data S O M
18 em_realH ARW real data S M
3 em_chem_kpp Chemistry KPP real S - M

Type refers to the requested parallel option:

  • S = Serial
  • O = OpenMP
  • M = MPI

Therefore "S O M" refers to a test that is built for Serial, OpenMP, and MPI. The "S - -" entry refers to a test that is only built for Serial processing.

The regression tests are short. For each of the 48 builds (for example em_real using MPI), one or more simulations are performed. The simulations are approximately 10 time steps in length.

How is the WRF Model Test Implemented

The WRF model requires both the netCDF directory structure (lib, include, and bin), and an MPI implementation (OpenMPI is selected). The compiler is GNU, using both gfortran and gcc. To keep a uniform environment for the testing, the WRF source code, test data, and built libraries are placed inside a Docker container (one container for each of the 48 builds). The ARW builds require GNU 9, while the NMM build uses GNU 8. This is handled transparently with no user interaction.

Specifics of Each Test

The simulation choices for each of the 48 builds are controlled by a script that assigns namelists.

Test Name Namelists Tested
em_real 3dtke conus rap tropical
nmm_hwrf 1NE 2NE 3NE
em_chem 1 2 5
em_quarter_ss 02NE 03 03NE 04
em_b_wave 1NE 2 2NE 3
em_real8 14 17AD
em_quarter_ss8 06 08 09
em_move 01
em_fire 01
em_hill2d_x 01
em_realA 03 03DF 03FD 06 07NE
em_realB 10 11 14 16 16DF
em_realC 17 17AD 18 20 20NE
em_realD 38 48 49 50 51
em_realE 52 52DF 52FD 60 60NE
em_realF 65DF 66FD 71 78 79
em_realG kiaps1NE kiaps2
em_realH cmt solaraNE
em_chem_kpp 120

The complete set of namelists options are available on github: directory of WRF namelist settings.

GitHub Visual Cues to Testing Status

Once a PR is proposed and for each subsequent commit to that PR, automated testing is performed via the Jenkins server (for security purposes, this server is not generally accessible).

When the automated tests are all complete, and if the tests were successful, then multiple green checkmarks appear. There is a large green checkmark at the end of the conversations for the PR: Jenkins green checkmark Also, the list of all of the PRs includes the same green checkmark identifier. Jenkins green checkmark


A number of indicators are reviewed to determine SUCCESS vs FAIL, depending on the stage of the automated testing.

  1. Build SUCCESS

    • Both wrf.exe and the associated pre-processor exist and have executable privilege
  2. Individual Simulation Run SUCCESS

    1. Pre-processor print output has SUCCESS message
    2. Pre-processor netCDF output exists (for each domain that was run)
    3. WRF model print output has SUCCESS message
    4. WRF model netCDF output exists for each domain (for each domain that was run)
    5. Two time periods exist in each WRF model netCDF output file (for each domain that was run)
    6. No occurrence of "NaN" in any WRF model netCDF output file (for each domain that was run)
  3. Parallel Comparison SUCCESS (assuming same namelist configuration)

    1. If Serial and OpenMP types exist, compare bit-wise identical results
    2. If Serial and MPI types exist, compare bit-wise identical results

Interpretation of Test Results

Notification of Test Results

After approximately half an hour from the time of the PR or commit, an email arrives. The email is sent from user jenkins, and due to the contents, many email servers identify the message as SPAM.

Here is an example of a successful commit as reported by jenkins. The values in the Expected column (the number of items anticipated to be completed successfully) match those in the Received column (the actual results from the tests). If there are any failures, the broken tests are listed.

    Test Type              | Expected  | Received |  Failed
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  = = = =
    Number of Tests        : 19           19
    Number of Builds       : 48           48
    Number of Simulations  : 166           166        0
    Number of Comparisons  : 105           105        0

    Failed Simulations are: 
    Which comparisons are not bit-for-bit: 

Jenkins email notification

The content of the email message lists sufficient information to determine to which PR and commit the test refers, and the email also provides the github ID of the person proposing the change (usually the email recipent).

The email contains an attachment:

Information in Attachment

If you are trying to determine the cause of the failures, the attachment is a good place to start. If all of the tests were successful, there is no need to bother with the attachment to the email.

  1. Download the file
  2. Inflate (decompress) this zip'ed file
  1. A new directory is created, get into that directory
cd output_testcase
  1. There are 20 files (the 19 tests plus a file called email_01.txt). The 19 output files are associated with the 19 broad area tests that are conducted. For example, output_1 refers to em_real, output_2 refers to nmm_hwrf, etc.
ls -ls
total 12080
  16 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500     4263 Apr  8 18:18 email_01.txt
 480 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   243981 Apr  8 18:09 output_1
 416 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   210561 Apr  8 17:58 output_10
 664 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   339414 Apr  8 18:13 output_11
 656 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   335501 Apr  8 18:13 output_12
 592 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   300965 Apr  8 18:10 output_13
 568 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   287701 Apr  8 18:10 output_14
 696 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   355992 Apr  8 18:15 output_15
 656 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   333935 Apr  8 18:14 output_16
 328 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   166776 Apr  8 18:07 output_17
 312 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   158984 Apr  8 18:04 output_18
 312 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   158984 Apr  8 18:04 output_19
 328 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   164845 Apr  8 18:16 output_2
4112 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500  2101787 Apr  8 18:18 output_3
 640 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   325108 Apr  8 18:04 output_4
 496 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   250766 Apr  8 18:04 output_5
 280 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   140195 Apr  8 18:05 output_6
 472 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   240026 Apr  8 18:03 output_7
  96 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500    45261 Apr  8 18:00 output_8
 272 -rw-r--r--@ 1 gill  1500   136700 Apr  8 18:06 output_9

Within each file are a number of sections. They can be searched and aggregated information can be displayed. The -a option to grep indicates that the file should be treated as an ASCII text file, regardless of the presence of binary characters being detected.

  1. There should be 48 total builds that are attempted:
grep -a " START" * | grep -av "CLEAN START" | wc -l
  1. There are 104 bit-for-bit comparisons:
grep -a "status = " * | wc -l

All should have status = 0 (success), so NONE should have any other status:

grep -a "status = " * | grep -av "status = 0" | wc -l
  1. There are 164 total simulations:
grep -a " = STATUS" * | wc -l

All have status = 0, so NONE have a nonzero status:

grep -a " = STATUS" * | grep -av "0 = STATUS" | wc -l

Structure of Each Output File

  1. The top part of each output file contains the print out related to creating the Docker container. This starts with:
Sending build context to Docker daemon  289.3kB
Step 1/6 : FROM davegill/wrf-coop:thirteenthtry
thirteenthtry: Pulling from davegill/wrf-coop

and ends with something similar to:

Step 6/6 : CMD ["/bin/tcsh"]
 ---> Running in e911e10a911a
Removing intermediate container e911e10a911a
 ---> b1233e0731e8
Successfully built b1233e0731e8
  1. The second part of each file is the output of the real / ideal program and the WRF model, for each of the namelist choices, for each of the parallel build types. The parallel build sections begin with:
                         SERIAL START


                         OPENMP START


                         MPI START

Within each of these larger sections, the namelists are looped over (32 is the serial build for GNU, 33 = OpenMP, 34 = MPI):

grep "32" output_1 | grep "NML = "
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = 3dtke
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = conus
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = rap
RUN WRF test_001s for em_real 32 em_real, NML = tropical
  1. The third and final section is provided only for tests that support multiple parallel build types (for example, serial and mpi). The third section details the comparisons between the different parallel build, and those comparisons should always be bit-wise identical.
tail output_1
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_3dtke vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_3dtke status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_3dtke vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_3dtke status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_conus vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_conus status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_conus vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_conus status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_rap vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_rap status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_rap vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_rap status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_tropical vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_33_em_real_tropical status = 0
SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_32_em_real_tropical vs SUCCESS_RUN_WRF_d01_em_real_34_em_real_tropical status = 0
Thu Apr  9 00:08:58 UTC 2020

Manually running a Docker Test on the MMM Classroom (for MMM Staff Only).

Here are the steps to construct a docker container that has the directory structure, data, libraries, and the executable ready for conducting a test run. This testing uses 46 machines (there are 46 separate builds, 101 through 146).

  1. Log into the classroom as "150".

  2. Get to the right location

cd /classroom/dave
  1. Copy the file run_template to RUN, and edit the RUN file. The cron job looks for this RUN file every 5 minutes, so give yourself time to edit the four lines.
cp run_template RUN
vi RUN

Here is what a typical run_template file looks like:

Repo: WRF
Branch: release-v4.1.1

Here are the interpreted meanings of those entries: Email: where you want the regression test results mailed, single person

Fork: which github fork

Repo: There are still people who have a repo that is named WRF-1
example: WRF
example: WRF-1

Branch: which branch to checkout
example: develop
example: master
example: release-v4.1.2