Matrix Admin is basic yet very useful bootstrap 5 dashbaord template for your projects.If you are looking for modern yet clean admin template for your backend project. Matrix Admin is the right choice for you. If your application requires more options. We like to suggest you the Premium Templates.
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MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin | Ample Bootstrap Admin | Monster Bootstrap Admin | AdminPro Bootstrap Theme |
MaterialPro Angular Admin | Ample Admin Angular | Monster Angular Admin | AdminPro Angular Admin |
MaterialPro React Admin | Ample React Admin | Monster React Admin | AdminPro React Admin |
MaterialPro Vuetify Admin | Xtreme Vuesax Pro | AdminPro Vuetify Dashboard |
Copyright 2021 Wrappixel (
Licensed under MIT (
Admin Panel Templates from Wrappixel
Bootstrap Templates from Wrappixel
React Admin Templates from Wrappixel
React Bootstrap Templates from Wrappixel
Vuejs Admin Dashboards Templates from Wrappixel
Angular Admin Dashboards from Wrappixel
Copyright 2025 Licensed under MIT -
If you’re Searching for Admin Dashboards built with a specific framework, here are some options : Bootstrap Admin Templates, Angular Material Themes, React Admin Dashboards, NextJS Admin Dashboards, Vue Admin dashboards, Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboards, Vuetify Templates, Nuxt Templates, MUI Templates.
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