- WordPress composer https://github.com/pantheon-systems/wordpress-composer
- Composer https://getcomposer.org/
- Themes and plugins from WordPress Packagist https://wpackagist.org/
- Github Actions for CI / CD https://github.com/features/actions
- BackstopJS for Visual Regression Testing https://github.com/garris/BackstopJS
- Pantheon for hosting http://pantheon.io/
- Code pushed to GitHub
- GitHub Actions kicks in to do the composer install, core, theme and plugin updates
- Deploy latest code to development site
- Do Visual Regression to the Development site VS Live site
- Deploy the backstop reports to a QA multidev in Pantheon
You'll need an account in Pantheon and in GitHub to test this build
- Github account for repo and CI/CD ( You can use GitLab or Bitbucket but you may need to modify to match their variables )
- Pantheon account for Hosting ( You can use other hosting but you'll have to modify the script accordingly)
- Clone this repo
- Modify .github/workflows/composer-build.yml to reflect your
Further modify scripts/github/test/backstopjs/backstopConfig.js for additional settings
Add these as secret tokens in GitHub
- Your Pantheon registered email
- Site UUID where your code will be deployed to
- https://pantheon.io/docs/ssh-keys
- https://pantheon.io/docs/machine-tokens#create-a-machine-token
- Easier plugin, theme and core version management from composer.json file
- Less merge conflicts
- Only maintain build scripts and custom code in the repo
- Easier for team members to replicate setup