This repository contains various scripts and YAMLs to perform specific customizations to an OCP4.x cluster. They all in some form of another require the use of a custom Red Hat CoreOS installer image.
The custom installer image can be built with the following steps:
git clone -b legacy
cd coreos-installer
curl -o rhcosinstall-initramfs.img # or the latest currently available
The resulting file will be called rhcos-install-new.img
and can be used as the installer image for PXE booting OCP nodes.
Assuming the use of the custom installer, and that an additional kernel argument of 'macAddressList' was passed at PXE boot time:
export SCRIPT_BASE64=$(base64 -w 0
envsubst '${SCRIPT_BASE64}' < disable-nics.ign.tmpl > disable-nics.ign
The disable-nics.ign
file can then be merged with ignition files generated by the openshift-install
openshift-install --dir ${assets_dir} create ignition-configs
mv ${assets_dir}/bootstrap.ign{,.orig}
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' ${ignition_extra} ${assets_dir}/bootstrap.ign.orig | tee ${assets_dir}/bootstrap.ign
mv ${assets_dir}/master.ign{,.orig}
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' ${ignition_extra} ${assets_dir}/master.ign.orig | tee ${assets_dir}/master.ign
mv ${assets_dir}/worker.ign{,.orig}
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' ${ignition_extra} ${assets_dir}/worker.ign.orig | tee ${assets_dir}/worker.ign
This will disable any NICs on the system that are connected and has a MAC address that does not match the first one in the macAddressList
provided list.
The newly generated bootstrap, master and worker ignition files can now be used for deploy the OCP4 cluster.
Make any necessary modifications to
and mco_ovs.yml.tmp
and run:
export SCRIPT_BASE64=$(base64 -w 0
envsubst '${SCRIPT_BASE64}' < mco_ovs.yml.tmpl > mco_ovs.yml
Then apply the MachineConfig to the cluster:
for node in $(oc get nodes -l --no-headers=true -o name | awk -F/ '{print $2}'); do
oc label node $node
oc apply -f mco_ovs.yml
will mount an extra 5th partition in the specified location. Modify mco_storage.yml
if necessary (e.g. to change the path) and apply it to the cluster:
oc apply -f mco_storage.yml
To save on reboots, all customizations can be combined in to one MachineConfig object.
export SCRIPT_BASE64=$(base64 -w 0
envsubst '${SCRIPT_BASE64}' < mco_all.yml.tmpl > mco_all.yml
And apply it to the cluster:
oc apply -f moc_all.yml