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Getting started section in readme, query tweaks. Needs further work
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wotbrew committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent e57fcf2 commit 13fc78b
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 42 deletions.
171 changes: 129 additions & 42 deletions
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@@ -1,41 +1,140 @@
# cinq

[![Clojars Project](](

(C)lojure (In)tegrated (Q)uery extends Clojure on the JVM to direct and immediate relational programming against both collections and durable LMDB backed variables.

- **Embedded Query**
- Supports (outer) joins, sorts, aggregations and recursive common table expressions (CTEs).
- **Single-file Databases**
- ACID transactions
- Indexes
- **Clojure integrated**
- Use Clojure expressions, functions within queries and transactions
- Queries inherit the local clojure environment (no parameter placeholders, feels like a `for` loop).
- Relations are first-class, printable, support reduce so you can use them with core collection functions

> **note** cinq is highly experimental at this stage and will receive breaking API changes. SNAPSHOT only, use at your own risk.
`status: in development`
;; project.clj
[com.wotbrew/cinq "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
;; deps.edn
com.wotbrew/cinq {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"}

(C)lojure (In)tegrated (Q)uery extends Clojure on the JVM to relational programming.
## Getting started (LMDB)

- Work with larger than memory relations
- Single-file databases with full ACID transactions
- Integrated with Clojure, reified relations, query clojure things, use clojure expressions directly, write transactions in clojure.
Eventually, LMDB support will be externalized into a seperate library, but for now its an optional namespace you can include.

## Query
Add `lmdb-java` to your dependencies:

With `cinq` the programmer writes queries in the style of a clojure `for` loop.
[org.lmdbjava/lmdbjava "0.9.0"]
org.lmdbjava/lmdbjava {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}

In the below example `lineitem` might be a collection (say in a vector) or a relation variable, containing a larger-than-memory relation, sourced from a database.
Ensure the following JVM options are set, as `lmdb-java` uses `sun.misc.Unsafe`.

--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/

Require `cinq`, `lmdb` support is currently provided as another namespace in the `cinq` jar.
(q [l lineitem
:when (<= l:shipdate #inst "1998-09-02")
:group [returnflag l:returnflag, linestatus l:linestatus]
:order [returnflag :asc, linestatus :asc]]
{:l_returnflag returnflag
:l_linestatus linestatus
:sum_qty (c/sum l:quantity)
:sum_base_price (c/sum l:extendedprice)
:sum_disc_price (c/sum (* l:extendedprice (- 1.0 l:discount)))
:sum_charge (c/sum (* l:extendedprice (- 1.0 l:discount) (+ 1.0 l:tax)))
:avg_qty (c/avg l:quantity)
:avg_price (c/avg l:extendedprice)
:avg_disc (c/avg l:discount)
:count_order (c/count)})

These queries go through extensive optimisation at compile time to emit very efficient code.

The optional `a:foo`, `a:ns/foo` are quick lookups that desugar to `(:foo a)`, `(:ns/foo a)` this avoid noise when you have a lot of joins. I like it, but its optional, feel free to destructure/use kw lookups instead. Both still get optimised away (to e.g register/offset/field lookups) if they can be.
(require '[com.wotbrew.cinq :as c])
(require '[com.wotbrew.cinq.lmdb :as lmdb])

Create a new database

(def db (lmdb/database "mydb.cinq"))

Create a new relational variable (think table in SQL).

(def employees (c/create db :employees))

Set the variables initial value

(c/rel-set employees [{:id 1, :name "Alice", :department "Engineering"}
{:id 2, :name "Bob", :department "HR"}])

Perform a query

(c/q [e employees
:when (= "Engineering" (:department e))]
;; =>
[{:id 1, :name "Alice", :department "Engineering"}]

Modify the database

(c/insert employees {:id 3, :name "Charlie", :department "Marketing"})

### Next steps

- See `c/write` for serialized exclusive write transactions
- See `c/read` for consistent snapshot read transactions
- See `c/index` to create indexes
- `c/lookup`, `c/range`, `c/top-k`, `c/bottom-k`, `c/asc`, `c/desc` to use them.
- See `c/run` for issuing effects in a query, such as deletes or updates
- See `c/delete`, `c/replace`, `c/update` for further CRUD

## Query

With `cinq` the programmer writes queries in the style of a clojure `for` loop. A common way to query will be to use the `q` macro.

(require '[com.wotbrew.cinq :as c])

(def orders
[{:customer-id 0, :gross 3.0, :discount 0.0}
{:customer-id 1, :gross 40.0, :discount 1.00}])

(def customers
[{:id 0, :country-code "GB"}
{:id 1, :country-code "GB"}])

(c/q [c customers
o orders
:when (= (:customer-id o) (:id c))
:group [country (:country-code c)]]
{:country-code country
:revenue (c/sum (- (:gross o) (:discount o)))})
;; =>
[{:country-code "GB"
:revenue 42.0}]

You can use this macro anywhere in your code. It looks at the query, runs it through a relational optimiser (at compile time), and emits an eager loop that will materialize the result-set as a vector.

### Differences with `clojure.core/for`

- eager, not lazy (`q` returns a vector, there is a Reducable verson `rel` for more control of this)
- supports different keyword operators, alongside `:let` and `:when` such as: `:join`, `:left-join`, `:group`, `:order`, `:limit`
- query is optimised ahead of codegen, predicate push-down, de-nesting sub queries, join optimisation
- emitted loop is likely entirely fused with minimal megamorphic dispatch
- when intermediate tuples need to be materialized (such as for joins or certain grouping operations) custom struct types are compiled with appropriate scalar field hints.
- `nil` has different equality behaviour, for certain rewrites to possible, nil cannot be equal to nil, so within a cinq query `(= nil anything)` will aways return false. (You can still use `nil?`). You may later be able to configure this behaviour.

### Differences with a 'normal database query'

- query is not quoted, it inherits locals and parameters from the Clojure environment.
- planner performs 'generally good' optimisations only, the user is responsible for join order and index selection.
- code is planned and compiled just once, new plans are not generated over time.
- there is no difference between querying collections and querying database tables for the user of this library.

## Database

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,27 +261,15 @@ Supports most clojure data. No meta. Not everything.

Working right now:

- nil, bool, ints, longs, doubles, floats.
- nil, booleans, ints, longs, doubles, floats.
- keyword, symbol, string
- maps, sets, vectors (or seq/lists, they both get encoded as vectors)
- java.util.Date
- maps, sets, vectors
- java.util.Date, java.util.UUID

Collections must not be mutated as you are writing them otherwise you can corrupt your database. I plan to put in guards against this (throw an exception).

Anything else is TBD

## How does it deal with `x`?

See [todo.txt](todo.txt) for some thoughts

## Usage

Not yet.

## Plans that may or may not happen

- relic2 (incremental view maintenance)

## License

Copyright 2024 Dan Stone (wotbrew)
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