These API calls with curl were useful when prototyping togglv8.
The calls have since been converted to use resty (a wrapper for curl). They are included here only for reference.
See Toggl API Documentation for more authoritative, comprehensive, and up-to-date information.
As of 2013-08-11, the calls listed here cover almost the entire Toggl API section. The following calls are not yet supported by togglv8:
- Add multiple users to a project
- Update multiple project users
- Delete multiple project users
- Sign up new user (Will increase the cost of your Toggl account.)
- Invite users to workspace
- Delete workspace user
- Get workspace users for a workspace
Toggl API uses Basic Auth. Resty is initialized with basic auth info (-u), as well as headers (-H).
The user API Token for an account is available under My Profile after logging into
When using an API Token, the user is your API Token and the password is "api_token".
resty -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token -H "Content-type: application/json"
It is also possible to use your email address and Toggl password.
resty -u -H "Content-type: application/json"
It is helpful to use a JSON parsing tool such as Jazor.
For example, GET /me | jazor -c
since: 1370938972,
data: {
id: {<user_id>},
api_token: "<api_token>",
default_wid: <wid>,
email: "<email_address>",
fullname: "<fullname>",
jquery_timeofday_format: H:i,
jquery_date_format: "m/d/Y",
timeofday_format: H:mm,
date_format: "MM/DD/YYYY",
store_start_and_stop_time: true,
beginning_of_week: 1,
language: "en_US",
sidebar_piechart: false,
at: "2013-06-11T07:00:44+00:00",
created_at: "2012-08-01T12:41:56+00:00",
retention: 9,
record_timeline: true,
render_timeline: true,
timeline_enabled: true,
timeline_experiment: true,
manual_mode: true,
new_blog_post: {
invitation: {
rather than
POST /clients -d '{"client":{"name":"Very Big Company","wid":282224}}'
GET /clients/1101632
PUT /clients/1150638 -d '{"client":{"notes":"this client must go!"}}'
DELETE /clients/1150758
GET /clients
GET /clients/1150488/projects
POST /projects -d '{"project":{"name":"TEST project","wid":282224,"is_private":true}}'
GET /projects/2882160
PUT /projects/2931253 -d '{"project":{"name":"Changed the name","is_private":false,"template":true}}'
GET /projects/2883126/project_users
POST /project_users -d '{"project_user":{"pid":2931296,"uid":509726,"rate":30.0,"manager":true}}'
PUT /project_users/8310314 -d '{"project_user":{"manager":false,"rate":15,"fields":"fullname"}}'
DELETE /project_users/8310314
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8
POST /tags -d '{"tag":{"name":"tag"}}'
PUT /tags/294414 -d '{"tag":{"name":"taggggg"}}'
DELETE /tags/294414
POST /tasks -d '{"task":{"name":"A new task","pid":2883129}}'
GET /tasks/1894675
PUT /tasks/1894675 -d '{"task":{"id": 1894675, "active": true, "estimated_seconds": 7200, "fields": "done_seconds,uname"}}'
DELETE /tasks/1893464
PUT /tasks/1894758,1894751 -d '{"task":{"active":false,"fields":"done_seconds,uname"}}'
DELETE /tasks/1922656,1922683,1922684
POST /time_entries -d '{"time_entry":{"description":"Meeting with possible clients","tags":["billed"],"duration":1200,"start":"2013-03-05T07:58:58.000Z","pid":2931296}}'
GET /time_entries/77628973
POST /time_entries/start -d '{"time_entry":{"description":"New time entry","wid":282224}}'
PUT /time_entries/86229778/stop
PUT /time_entries/86229778 -d '{"time_entry":{"description":"Renamed new time entry","duration":180}}'
DELETE /time_entries/86229778
are in ISO 8601 date and time format, (e.g. "2013-03-10T15:42:46+02:00")- It is necessary to use the encoded value %2B for '+' in order to avoid JSON parsing error. (Using %3A for ':' is not strictly necessary.)
GET /time_entries -q 'start_date=2013-05-22T15:42:46%2B02:00&end_date=2013-05-22T16:42:46%2B02:00'
GET /time_entries -q 'start_date=2013-06-04T18:32:12%2B00:00'
GET /me
GET /me?with_related_data=true -Q
GET /me -q 'with_related_data=true'
Note: This is not implemented in togglv8 wrapper because it will increase the cost of your Toggl account. See Toggl Pricing and Payments for details.
POST /signups -d '{"user":{"email":"<email_address>","password":"<password>"}}'
GET /workspaces
GET /workspaces/282224/users
GET /workspaces/282224/clients
GET /workspaces/282224/projects
GET /workspaces/282224/tasks
GET /workspaces/282224/tasks?active=true
GET /workspaces/282224/tasks?active=false
GET /workspaces/282224/tasks?active=both
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8
Note: Call fails with error message "Cannot access workspace users"
PUT /workspace_users/282224 -d '{"workspace_user":{"admin":true}}'
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8
Note: Not yet supported by togglv8