Logging functions for Arduino and ESP32
For usage examples, see the examples directory.
For installation via the Arduino IDE, see docs.arduino.cc.
To install the latest version using arduino-cli
, use the following command:
arduino-cli lib install workloads-filesystem
To install a specific version, use the following command:
arduino-cli lib install workloads-filesystem@1.0.2
To install an in-development or unreleased version, installation of unsafe libraries must be enabled.
To enable the installation of unsafe libraries, use the following command:
arduino-cli config set library.enable_unsafe_install true
See docs.arduino.cc for more information on the implications.
Once the installation of unsafe libraries is enabled, the workloads-filesystem
library may be installed by running the following command:
arduino-cli lib install --git-url "https://github.com/workloads/arduino-logger.git"
This repository provides a Makefile-based workflow to aid in development.
Running make
without commands will print out the following help information:
Target Description Usage
lint-arduino lint Arduino code using arduino-lint `make lint-arduino`
lint-cpp lint C++ code using cpplint and clang-format `make lint-cpp`
help display a list of Make Targets `make help`
_listincludes list all included Makefiles and *.mk files `make _listincludes`
_selfcheck lint Makefile `make _selfcheck`
lint-vale lint prose using vale `make lint-vale`
vale-sync sync Vale dependencies `make vale-sync`
New (GitHub) releases of this library are automatically ingressed by the Arduino Library Manager.
A log of currently "visible" releases can be found at downloads.arduino.cc.
For a list of current (and past) contributors to this repository, see GitHub.
Licensed under the General Public License, Version 3.0 (the "License").
You may download a copy of the License at gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.