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All these settings and preferences are quite specific to me, myself and my MacBooks, use them as a reference rather than a "batteries included" setup.


I wouldn't recommend this as I don't have a comprehensive list of installed software, the configuration assumes many things are already installed and this could break your dev environment.

  1. Install nix on your new system see reference.
  2. Run chmod +x ./ && ./
  3. Create a local.nix file with cp ~/.dotfiles/home/sample_local.nix ~/.dotfiles/home/local.nix, in there fill out your install specific details
  4. Run home-manager switch to install all the software, this will take a while.
  5. I use 1password as an ssh agent to sign all of my commits, you'll need to install it here (mac), it is a paid service. To opt out of using it, update home/git/default.nix to match you git config
    1. To use the 1password agent follow these docs .
  6. Everything should be installed now and ready to use, if there are any problems open up an issue on github!

Manual installation of packages

This is only temporary. Until Yarn is usable on nix for my setup


Yarn installs by default 16.14.2 and doesn't switch to other installed versions auto-magically see issue

  1. This should auto-magically install curl -o- -L | bash
  2. Install nvim dependancies yarn global add eslint_d @fsouza/prettierd


  • Configure node versions with fnm (fast node manager) fnm default <version>. Copilot needs at least node version 16.

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