A PHP CLI interface to deploy Woody website
First, install Woody CLI via the Composer package manager:
composer require woody-wordpress/woody-cli
Deploy Core:
./bin/woody deploy:core
Deploy Site:
./bin/woody deploy:site -s mywebsite -e prod
./bin/woody deploy:site --site=mywebsite --env=prod
This command includes options :
./bin/woody deploy:site -s mywebsite -o no-build,no-twig,no-varnish
- no-build : does not compile assets
- no-twig : does not empty the twig cache shared with all site instances
- no-varnish : does not start the emptying of the varnish cache of the site
Deploy Sites:
./bin/woody deploy:sites
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to Woody CLI !
For future contributors, please read our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Header photo by John Lee on Unsplash
Woody CLI is open-sourced software licensed under the GPL2.
Woody is a digital ecosystem co-financed by the Regional Tourism Committee of Brittany for eBreizh Connexion