PowerBI is a analytics and reporting tool owned by Microsoft. It integrates data sources and BI tools in a browser or desktop based application.
PowerBI's integrated visualizations have limited capacity to visualize spatial data. By default, Bing is the basemap provider, and the ability to style spatial data by its attributes is very limited.
PowerBI Leaflet is a PowerBI visualization extension that uses leaflet for enhanced spatial data visualization. Its goal is to
- support custom base imagery (i.e. pictometry),
- allow to style point data using a category to color mapping
- have custom tables displayed when mapped locations are clicked
To use PowerBI Leaflet, import the visualization into PowerBI as described here
(Add additional details when visualization complete, e.g. build the visualization as described below or download it from somewhere, and how to adjust options)
To develop the PowerBI Leaflet visualization, setup powerbi-visuals-tools as described here. The steps are summarized below:
- clone this repo
- Use Node 6
nvm use 6
- install modules
npm i
- setup ssl certs as describere here
- setup powerbi cloud for development by enabling developer mode in settings
- serve the visualization
npm run start
- add the development visualization to your report and enable live reload to see your source changes immediately reflected in the application
Visualizations are written in TypeScript, if you're not familiar there's a good primer here.
It is useful to review the structure of a PowerBI Visualization Project before getting started.
npm run package
will build the visualization into a .pbiviz
file which can
be distributed and imported to any PowerBI account as a custom visualization.