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Fix Doxygen issues #114

Fix Doxygen issues

Fix Doxygen issues #114

Workflow file for this run

name: MQTT-SN Build Test
branches: [ 'master', 'main', 'release/**' ]
branches: [ '*' ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
# Don't prompt for anything
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo apt-get update
# Install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install -y mosquitto bubblewrap
- name: Setup mosquitto broker
run: |
# Disable default broker daemon
sudo service mosquitto stop
sleep 1
mosquitto -v &> ~/broker.log &
sleep 1
- uses: actions/checkout@master
repository: eclipse/paho.mqtt-sn.embedded-c
path: gateway
- name: Build gateway
working-directory: ./gateway/MQTTSNGateway
run: ./ udp -DDEBUG -DDEBUG_NW
- name: Write config to change broker
working-directory: ./gateway/MQTTSNGateway/bin
run: |
printf "GatewayID=1\nGatewayName=PahoGateway-01\nMaxNumberOfClients=30\nKeepAlive=60\nBrokerName=localhost\nBrokerPortNo=1883\nAggregatingGateway=NO\nQoS-1=NO\nForwarder=NO\nPredefinedTopic=NO\nClientAuthentication=NO\nGatewayPortNo=10000\nMulticastPortNo=1883\nMulticastIP=\nMulticastTTL=1\n" > gateway.conf
- name: Display gateway config
working-directory: ./gateway/MQTTSNGateway/bin
run: more gateway.conf
- name: Run gateway
working-directory: ./gateway/MQTTSNGateway/bin
run: sudo ./MQTT-SNGateway &> ~/gateway.log &
sleep 1
# This is some debug info useful if something goes wrong
- name: Show network status
run: |
sudo ifconfig
sudo route
sudo netstat -tulpan
- uses: actions/checkout@master
repository: wolfssl/wolfssl
path: wolfssl
- name: wolfssl autogen
working-directory: ./wolfssl
run: ./
- name: wolfssl configure
working-directory: ./wolfssl
run: ./configure --enable-enckeys
- name: wolfssl make
working-directory: ./wolfssl
run: make
- name: wolfssl make install
working-directory: ./wolfssl
run: sudo make install
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: wolfmqtt autogen
run: ./
- name: wolfmqtt configure with SN Enabled
run: |
./configure --enable-sn
- name: wolfmqtt make
run: make
- name: test SN Client
run: ./examples/sn-client/sn-client -T
# Cleanup
- name: Stop gateway
if: failure() || cancelled()
run: |
sudo kill -2 $(pgrep -f "MQTT-SNGateway")
sleep 3
sudo kill -2 $(pgrep -f "mosquitto")
sleep 1
# capture logs on failure
- name: Show logs on failure
if: failure() || cancelled()
run: |
sudo cat ~/gateway.log
sudo cat ~/broker.log